Human rights picture (1)


  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta established in June 15, 1215 in London, England, was made to protect the citizens from the power of the king.
  • English Bill Of Rights

    English Bill Of Rights
    The Eglish Bill of Rights started the rights of the english men, established free elections and freedom and stopped the absolut power. It was established in 1689 when the parliament offered the crown to Mary and William with the conition, that they accept the Bill of Rights. This signified the end of the conflct between the crown and the parliament.
  • Declaration of the Independence of US

    Declaration of the Independence of US
    This declaration is the document that declared USA as an independemt country. The first one to gave the idea of it, was John Adams, and later it was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and all the congress.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and citizens

    Declaration of the rights of man and citizens
    The declaration was directed by Thomas Jefferson, workig with General Lafayette, who introduce it. This declaration states that the rights of men are held to be universal, in other words, need to be be valid at all time and in every place. It was inspired by the American Revolution and the Enlightment philosophers. It had a major impact on the develop ment of liberty and democracy worldwide and mostly in Europe.
  • US Abolation of Slavery

    US Abolation of Slavery
    The abolition of slavery in US, was mainly directed by Abraham Lincon and Frederick Douglass was the abolist leader. Whit this abolation they gave human rights to slaves, like; no slavery, you are all equal, education, etc...
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    This eveent is also known as the Shoah, it was a genocide in which 11 million people were murdered by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime and its collaorators. Between the people murdered, they were 6 million Jews. During it many human rights were violated.
  • First concenration camp open

    First concenration camp open
    In 1933 the first concentration camp of the holocaust was opened, they were used to hold and torture political opponents and union organizers, these camps initially held around 45,000 prisioners.
  • Jewish Children Education

    Jewish Children Education
    In 1938 the official plans for the final deprivation of rights and for the expulsion of the German Jews are elaborated. The German authorities ban Jewish children to attend the schools.
  • End of the Holocaust

    End of the Holocaust
    The Holocaust lasted for 12 years. By the 1944 a camp in Poland, was liberated by soviets. This was followed by more liberations and more takeovers as the Americans and other Allies slowly removed Hilter form the power. Later eraly in the 1945, Auschwitz was liberated, it was the biggest camp in the nazi territory and it was also the one where the most deaths occurred, this was a major milestone in the end of the Holocaust,