Huitt, Harrison Communication In History

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    Postal Service

    Postal Service postal service was invented in the 500's B.C. by the Persian Empire under the authority of Cyrus the Great. It began as a way for military and governing bodins could communicate, but today in America it is almost seen as a God given right for all people.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press printing press waa invented in Germany around 1450 by Johannes Guetenburg. The printing press was one the biggest engines driving the Rennaissance. The printing press was the first device that made the mass production of literature possible.
  • Modern English

    Modern English English was created around 1600 A.D. Modern English is the beginning of what we really know as English. Bause of the influece of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries and the economic and cutural domination of the world by America from WWII to present day, the English language has become the lingua franca of the world. English is the closest thing we have to a global language. It dominates trade, the internet, entertainment, education, and signage around the planet.
  • Telegraph

    []( telegraph was the first invetion to revolutionize long distance comunication. It was invented by Samuel Morse in 1837. Telegraphs made long distance communication fasr and reliable.
  • Telephone

    Telephone telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell on July 2, 1875. The telephone made long distance communication much simpler to use for the common person. It also allowed for more detailed and intamet communication.
  • Video Communication/Conferencing

    Video Communication/Conferencing conferencing was invented be AT&T in the early 1960's. When it was first developed it was much to expensive, but it has progressed to become much cheaper and more available. Today it lets people around the world communicate not just with sound or writing, but it lets you see and interact with others.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The World Wide Web is arguably the greatest achievement in communication ever. It allowed for people all around the world to communicate in an extremely fast manner. It has made information availiable to all, and it has created a globalized culture.