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Hstory Finial

By Krein25
  • Alaska

    The United States wanted to be an Empire. When they purchased Alaska from Russia, it was just the start for them to be an Empire
  • Journalist

    I believed Journalist Played a big role because they were writing things that could be true statements or false ones that the Spainish was saying. Example is how they called President Mckinley "weak" They pretty much helped us go to war with Spanish.
  • U.S.S Maine

    U.S.S Maine
    It pretty much ment war when the Spanish "blew up" the U.S.S. Maine. That was pretty much the last straw for the United States because two months later the United States went into war with Spain.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris freed Cuba from Spain and turned Islands of Guam, Puerto Rico. The United States aslo bought Philippines for $20 Million. This ment the United States were not kidding around about being an Empire.
  • Hurricane Hits Texas

    Hurricane Hits Texas
    This Hurricane helped to reforming local government. The rebuilding job was so poorly done that Texas legisature appointed a five memeber commission to take over.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt was a big part in this chapter becauase he made help pass some laws that are still used today. He only becamed President becuase McKinley died on Sep. 14, 1901. He helped push for passage on the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The Platt Amendment ment we still had some controll over Cuba like we could take land from them and have them not make treaties with any other country. It was made in 1901 but really signed on May 22, 1903.
  • Nation Child Labor Committee

    Nation Child Labor Committee
    Nation Child Labor Committie helped to make sure children couldn't work in factors because the conditions were so dangerous for them. It helped pass the Keating-Owen Act in 1916
  • William Taft

    William Taft
    William Taft was voted to be our 27th President. Only real reason he won was becuase Roosevelt had people vote for him. He didn't want to be like Roosevelt, so he did somethings that made Roosevelt made at him. The things Taft did made Roosevelt run for President again.
  • Republican Party Splits

    Republican Party Splits
    Rooseve;t wanted to be President again so he created the Bull Moose Party. Well that mad ethe Republican Party Split becuase they had two people wanting to be President. The Democrats wasn't split therefor Woodrow Wilson was President in 1912.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    I believed if Ferdinand wasn't killed, there wouldn't of been a war because after he was killed Austria-Hungary blamed it on Serbia and Russia step in because they had a treaty with Serbia. After Russia step in pretty much all of the Alliance system step in, By Alliance system I mean Germany, France, Italy, and Britian all stepped in.
  • U-Boats

    U-Boats played a big role having the United States going into the war and choosing the Allies instead of the Central Powers. The Americans hated how Germany sunk Arbic Ship, Sussex Ship and Lusitania Ship. Germany only blew up anything by British becuase of the Birtish Blockade
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    When the Biritished knew we were leaning towards the Allies side, they send us the Zimmermann Note. The Note said that Germany was trying to get Mexico to start a War with the United States. After the U.S. saw this note, we chosied to go on the Allies Side.
  • Women During World War One

    Women During World War One
    Women played a big part while the men were fighting during World War One. They helped make the weapons and helped saving/making more food. If it wasn't for them doing a lot of job, we probably would of starved to death like Germany did.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    This Act had men sign up for the Army and get randomly picked for the Army. This was a good way to get more people to join the Army.