
How the west was won

  • American dream

    American dream
    The American dream was to build a nation based on religious freedom. Contributing to the process and working for freedom was what every American wanted.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    The assembly line was first introduced by Eli Whitney to create muskets for the U.S. Government. Henry Ford later introduced the moving assembly line at the Highland Park Ford Plant to cut manufacturing costs and deliver a cheaper product.
  • Americanization

    Assimilation into American culture. In 1800, everyday life had changed little since the year 1000. By 1900, the Industrial Revolution had transformed the world's economy. To see the whole picture, we encourage users to browse all the way through these decades
  • Factory System

    Factory System
    The factory system was a new way of organizing labor made necessary by the development of machines which were too large to house in a worker's cottage. Furthermore, the efficient use of the new machines required that many of them be installed together where they could all be driven by the
    same power source.
  • Political Corruption

    Political Corruption
    Political machines in the late 1800s were corrupt in many different ways. One of the ways was influencing votes through so-called charitable acts. Another way was that they would protect certain criminals in return for monetary support.
  • Social Darwinism

     Social Darwinism
    the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform.
  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    A method for making steel by blasting compressed air through molten iron to burn out excess carbon and impurities
  • Manifest destiny

    Manifest destiny
    The 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable
  • Settlement of the west

    Settlement of the west
    The years following the War of 1812 saw a massive migration of white settlers into the Old Northwest, the Old Southwest and the Far West. Between the years 1800 and 1820 the American population nearly doubled and by 1830 a quarter of the people lived west of the Appalachians.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    John Davison Rockefeller was an American industrialist and philanthropist. He was the founder of the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust.
  • Eugene V. Debbs

    Eugene V. Debbs
    Eugene Victor "Gene" Debs was an American union leader, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World, and several times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    Theodore "T.R." Roosevelt, Jr. was the 26th President of the United States. He is noted for his exuberant personality, range of interests and achievements, and his leadership of the Progressive Movement
  • Assimilation

    The state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family
  • The homestead act

    The homestead act
    The Homestead Acts were several United States federal laws that gave an applicant ownership of land, typically called a homestead, at little or no cost.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    The labor movement of 1865-1919 was initiated by strikes that began because of wage cuts, the new inventions of machinery, and the depersonalization of workers. The first of these strikes began in 1892 with workers at the Carnegie Steel Company at Homestead, Pennsylvania.
  • Growth of Railroads

    Growth of Railroads
    The development of Railroads was one of the most important phenomena of the Industrial Revolution. With their formation, construction and operation, they brought profound social, economic and political change to a country only 50 years old
  • Immigration

    Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, as well as Ireland, flocked to the United States, and Chicago became one of their favorite destinations. The American economy had begun to show signs of revival, and the city's meatpacking establishments, rail yards and factories offered plentiful jobs to unskilled laborers.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire
    Barbed wire is a fencing material consisting of a metal cable with regularly spaced sharp projections. The cable usually consists of two wires twisted around each other to add strength and to allow the cable to expand and contract with temperature changes without breaking. The sharp points, called barbs, usually consist of short pieces of wire twisted around one or both of the cable wires.
  • Political Machines

    During the 1870s and 1880s, the U.S. economy rose at the fastest rate in its history, with real wages, wealth, GDP, and capital formation all increasing rapidly.
  • Urbanization and industrialization in the gilded age

    Urbanization and industrialization in the gilded age
    The Gilded Age and the first years of the twentieth century were a time of great social change and economic growth in the United States. Gilded Age saw rapid industrialization, urbanization, the construction of great transcontinental railroads, innovations in science and technology, and the rise of big business. Progressives passed legislation to rein in big business, combat corruption, free the government from special interests, and protect the rights of consumers, workers, immigrants, and the
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton Beall Sinclair, Jr., was an American author who wrote close to one hundred books in many genres. He achieved popularity in the first half of the twentieth century
  • Boss Tweed in the Gilded Age

    Boss Tweed in the Gilded Age
    William Magear Tweed, popularly known as "Boss Tweed", was a Democratic New York politician during the nineteenth century. He was a very successful politician, and led Tammany Hall, a Democratic section of New York politicians.
  • Eugenics

    The term eugenics comes from the Greek roots for "good" and "generation" or "origin" and was first used to refer to the "science" of heredity and good breeding in about 1883
  • Vertical Intergration

    Vertical Intergration
    Vertical integration is the process in which several steps in the production and/or distribution of a product or service are controlled by a single company or entity.
  • Horizontal Integration

    Horizontal Integration
    Horizontal integration simply means a strategy to increase your market share by taking over a similar company.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    a labor protest rally near Chicago’s Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. At least eight people died as a result of the violence that day. The Haymarket Riot was viewed a setback for the organized labor movement in America, which was fighting for such rights as the eight-hour workday. At the same time, the men convicted in connection with the riot were viewed by many in the labor movement as martyrs.
  • Federal indian policy

    Federal indian policy
    Federal Indian Policy refers the relationship between the United States Government and the Indian Tribes that exist within its borders. Federal Indian Policy contains several eras in which the way the U.S. Government dealt with the Indians constantly changed.
  • The dawes act

    The dawes act
    An Act to Provide for the Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians on the Various Reservations,
  • Nativism

    Advocating the perpetuation of native societies; "the old nativist prejudice against the foreign businessman"; "the nativistic faith preaches the old values".
  • Trusts & Anti-Trusts

    Trusts & Anti-Trusts
    Because of fears during the late 1800s that monopolies dominated America's free market economy, Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 to combat anticompetitive practices, reduce market domination by individual corporations, and preserve unfettered competition as the rule of trade. The Sherman Antitrust Act forms the foundation and the basis for most federal antitrust litigation.
  • Battle of wounded knee

    Battle of wounded knee
    The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29, 1890, near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, USA. It was the last battle of the American Indian Wars. On the day before, a detachment of the U.S.
  • New inventions

    New inventions
    By definition, the 19th century lasted from 1801 through 1900 according to the Gregorian calendar. It is also referred to as the "1800s." The invention of useable electricity, steel, and petroleum products during the 19th century lead to a second industrial revolution (1865–1900), that featured the growth of railways and steam ships, faster and wider means of communication, and inventions with names we all know today.
  • Pure food

    Pure food
    The pure food and drug act of june 30, 1906, is a united states federal law that provided the federal inspection of meat products and forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of poisonous patent medicines.
  • invention of the Automobile

    invention of the Automobile
    Although Henry Ford is mythologically credited for the invention of the automobile, what he actually developed was the characteristic light, low-cost, high-quality, mass-produced American automobile.