Homestead Act

  • The Homestead aCT

    So busniess could not take advantage of busnessius
  • end of the civil war

    end of the civil war
    The north beat the south at this time.
  • Time zones were created

    The time zone were created for the railroad when you go into different states
  • The trascontinental railroad was completed

    They finaly meet in Utah
  • battle of little big horn

    General custer and 200 men were surronded and killed by the Native americans
  • the chinese exclusion act

    When the chnese were not alowes inthe U.S.
  • Pendlenton act is passed

    The procces of picking state repres by thrie work
  • Boss tweed jailed

    Boss tweed was put in jail for getting ilegal payment to big busness
  • End of reconstruction

    The full rebuild of the south after the civil war under president Johnson
  • Dawes act was passed

    This act was passed for to give citizens the right of power.
  • Sherman anti trust act passed

    This act illegilised trading in the states
  • Ellis Island open

    Ellis Island opened for immigrants to become americans after leaving their countys for jobs
  • Henrt Ford Model t

    This is when Henry Ford model t cars