Fuck these niggas

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao

  • Stalin born

    he was born in Gori, Georgia, Russia
  • Mao Family

    His father Mao Zedong, was a grain dealer and his mother Wen Qimei, was a nurturing parent.
  • Mussolini date of birth !

    Benito Mussolini was born in Predappio, Italy in july
  • Mao : Born

    Mao was born on this day in Shaoshan, China
  • Hitlers Siblings 1885-1900

    Hitler had one sibling that survived childhood, Paula 1896-1960. He also had four other siblings that died in childhood : Gustav 1885-1887, Ida 1886-1888, Otto 1887, and Edmund 1894-1900. Hitler had oa step brother named Alois, who was born in 1882 and a step-sister named Angela who was born in 1883 and died in 1949 and they both were from his fathers previous marriage.
  • Hitlers Birth

    Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria.
  • Hitler : Artist

    When he was growing up Hitler wanted to be an artist. He applied twice to the Vienna Academy of Art, once in 1907 and again in 1908 but he got denied both times. At the end of 1908, Hitlers mother died of breast cancer. After his mother died he spent 4 years living on the streets of Vienna and was selling postcards of his artwork to make a little money.
  • Stalin children

    Yakov Dzhugashvili, Vasily Dzhugashvili, and Svetlana Alliluyeva he had 3 children
  • Stalin ; Man of steel

    stalin means steel in russian. He could be very charming , but he could also be your worst ememy.
  • Hitler : Anti-Semite (around 1913.. but not the exact date, just a guess)

    No one knows where or how Hitler picked up or started hating Jews. People say it was they always questioned about his grandfather .. was Hitler's grandfather Jewish ? And other people say Hitler was very angery with at a Jewish doctor that let his mother die. But at the same time he could of picked up a lot of hater towards Jews while he was living on the streets of Vienna, which was a city at the time know for its anti semitism.
  • Hitler ; Soldier in World War I

    Hitler tried to avoid Astrian millitary by moving to Munich, Germany in May 1913. But he did end up volunteering to serve in the German army once World War 1 began.
    Hitler endured and survived four years of World War I.During his time he surverd, he was awarded two Iron Crosses for bravery
  • Mussolini children

    Benito Albino Mussolini . Edda Mussolini . Vittorio Mussolini . Bruno Mussolini, romano Mussolini . Anna Maria Mussolini
    he had 6 children in total
  • Fascism Momentment ; Mussolini

    He was the creator of Fascism and dictator of Italy. Mussolini said "Fascism is a religion," and "The 20th century will be known in history as the century of Fascism." Also there was fascist combat groups formed by Mussolini too.
  • Mussolini ; (conti. of fascism movement) Fascism became a political party .

    The groups got more support and became a political party in November 1921. It was known as the PNF which stands for National Fascist Party.
  • Musslini ; Came to power !

    Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy.
  • Stalin ; come to power

    When Lenin died on January 21, 1924, Stalin overcame his rivals and assumed complete power.
  • Mussolini ends womens suffrage.

    Catholicism regarded women if not the property, then certainly unquestioning supporters of their husband. On this day he did a speech to the senate about things he wanted to happen, one of those things were to end womens suffrage.
  • Hitler Caused War !!! Becoming dictator

    Hitler was the cause of World War 2 being the dictator of Germany at that time and making allllll the political decisions. He also showed that democracy is an inefficient form of government. Using democracy, he then became a legal dictator.
  • Mussolini quits

    Mussolini steps down as head of the armed forces and the government. He was deposed when Italy surrendered to the Allies also.
  • Stalin got award !

    Stalin was got picked for the Nobel Peace Prize twice, in 1945 and 1948.
  • Stalin ; Man of peace?

    he won 2 prizes one in 1945 and one in 1948 before for bringing peace. he was the one who brought world war 2 to close.
  • Hitler lost power

    He was beaten military-wise by the ENORMOUS power of the USSR, Stalin. Beeing very afraid of beeing strung up for all people to see his defeat he ordered his personal assistant Gunther to drench the bodies in gasoline and to burn them up.
  • Mussolini Death

    Mussolini died in Giulino, Mezzegra, Italy. He was shot and killed with his mistress by a mad mob, and they hung him upside down.
  • Hitlers Death

    Hitler was 56 when he passed away. He died in Berlin, Germany. Hitler shot himself with his pistol. He planned this with Eva and they said goodbye to each other at 1pm that day. At 3pm hitlers valet found their bodies on the sofa. Eva supposably died first and they were carried out to a bomb shelter and burnt.
  • Mao : China Ruler

    Mao rule china from 1949 - 1976 a big majority of his lifetime.
  • Stalin ; fall from power

    nothing happened to make him all from power , he just died
  • stalin death

    stalin died in Moscow, Russia.
  • Mao : Best known for ;

    Mao was the principal Chinese Marxist theorist, soldier and statesman who led his nation's Cultural Revolution.
  • Mao : Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1976 Social political movement

    A lot of the younger people during the time of the curtual revolution they did a lot of crazy things in china.killed older people because they were older, burned things down, important temples that burnt. Destroyed things that were very important and didnt give 2 damns about it. wanted to damage everything bc he wanted everyone in China to follow his religous beliefs and not everyone wanted to go by that so then there was the Cultural Revolution.
  • Mao : Death

    Mao died from a heart attack in Beijing, China