
History TimeLine - James Preminger

  • 200


    The Maya are using hierolglyphics writing
  • Period: 200 to


  • Period: 200 to

    History Timeline

    U.S.A. History
  • Period: 200 to

    American History

  • Period: 200 to

    Rev. war

  • 476


    Western Roman Empire ends. Overtime, Europe splits into small kingdoms.
  • Sep 6, 600


    Muhaamad begins the religion of Islam in Arabia
  • Sep 6, 1096


    Europeans begin the Crusades to Capture the Holy Land from Islam
  • Sep 6, 1200


    The Aztecs conqure much of central mexico
  • Sep 6, 1324


    Mansa musa emperor of mali travels to Islams holy city. word of his gold spreads to Europe
  • Oct 7, 1451

    Columbus was born

    Columbus was born
    He was thought to be born somewere in Italy.
    His father a wool merchant or trader.
    He had three brothers one sister
  • Sep 6, 1481


    Portugese traders begin to build a fort near Benin in Africa
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbuses fist voyage

    Columbuses fist voyage
    Christopher took three ships and 88 men on his first voyage to the " new world ". Was supposed to find rout to Asia but instead found the Americas
  • Sep 6, 1492


    The European explorer Columbus lands in the Americas
  • Sep 24, 1493

    2nd Voyage

    2nd Voyage
    Was given 17 ships and over 1,000 men to do his second exploration. Was told to try to convert Natives to Christinaty
  • May 30, 1498

    3rd Voyage

    3rd Voyage
    six ships were split to explore on his third voyage.Amount of men in his fleet was an answer unknown
  • May 11, 1502

    4th Voyage

    4th Voyage
    Had 4 vessels and Q veterian crew man from his first voyage to help
  • May 20, 1506

    Columbus death

    Columbus death
    Columbus's son said that his father died from gout. Modern alaysis says that he could have died from Reiter's Syndrome.
  • 1st English COlony

    1st English COlony
    first English colony esablished then later failed
  • Jamestown VA

    Jamestown VA
    John Smith and other Engllish settlers establish Jamestown Va
  • Plymouth

    Pilgrims land at Plymouth pilgrims wish to separarate from the anglican church
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    Puritans founded Massachusetts Bay colony adn wanted a more purer form of the Angilican church
  • William Penn.

    William Penn.
    William Penn receives charter for Pennsylvania
  • New Amsterdam

    New Amsterdam
    England takes New Amsterdam from the Dutch
  • Salem

    Salem whitchcraft trials are held
  • Population Circa

    Population Circa
    ciraca 1700 colonial population reaches 257,000
  • Stono

    enslaved Africans revolt in Stono Rebellion
  • Population

    population of the English colonies passes the one million mark
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Proclomation becomes law for all colonists
  • Sugar Act passed

    Sugar Act passed
    Placed tax on sugar mallassis, and other products comeing to the colonies.
  • Quartering Act passed

    Quartering Act passed
    Required colonists to house and provide food for British soldiers
  • Stamp Act passed

    Stamp Act passed
    Required all legal and unofficle documents to be stamped as proof of tax pay off.
  • Stamp act repealed. Declaratory act passed

    Stamp act repealed. Declaratory act passed
    Colonists riot against stamp act, attacking custom officals and burning stamps. British Parliment repealed stamp act and made declaratory act
  • Townshend Act passed

    Townshend Act passed
    Suspended New York assembelys untill colonists housed the British Soildiers
  • Boston Massacre-----Townshend act repeled

    Boston Massacre-----Townshend act repeled
    Colonists protested towards British troops aggresivly and British troops killing sevrael colonist inculding cyprus attucks
  • Tea Act passed

    Tea Act passed
    Parliment passed Tea Act giving them control over colonial trade.
  • Intolerable Acts passed

    Intolerable Acts passed
    Punished Boston Colonists for the " Boston Tea Party. "
  • British soldiers to lex. & con.

    British soldiers to lex. & con.
    Milita fights British troops. Second Continential army and congress formed.
  • Maize

    Maize is widely grown in is what now Sotheastern United States