Images 1

History timeline

  • 1492

    Voyages of Christopher Columbus

    Voyages of Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 looking for a new route from Europe to Asia but instead ran into the Caribbean
  • 1500

    Camera obscura

    Camera obscura
    Camera Obscura, the first pinhole camera was invented by Ibn Al-Haytham. It is a box with a small hole in it, through which light travels and strikes a reflective surface to project an image in color, upside down. The camera obscura was originally used to observe solar events and in drawing architecture. (Scan corner)
  • Jamestown

    Founded when 105 colonists landed near the mouth of the James River in Virginia; it was the first permanent English settlement in America (Movement test review)
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Where the British and the Indians/French fought over control of the Ohio River Valley. The British won, but the king issued the Proclamation of 1763, forbidding them to move into the valley. If the Proclamation Line of 1763 did not exist then that would most likely be where some British settled (History of Our Nations)
  • The Proclamation Line of 1763

    The Proclamation Line of 1763
    The Proclamation Line of 1763 prohibited the colonist moving west of the Appalachian mountains because that was the land of the Natives that they would interfere with. (America History of our Nation)
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    An act passed by Parliament in 1765 requiring colonists to pay a stamp tax on newspapers and documents; the first direct tax imposed on the colonies, prompting protests of "no taxation without representation (History Alive)
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Battles between the British regulars and colonial militias.
    First battles of the War. The Americans forced the British back to Boston and inflicted a significant number of casualties. (Powerpoint - Key Battles to Independence)
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from France for 15 million dollars. The large purchase encouraged many colonist to move west in hope of a new life. (Movement test review)
  • Daguerreotype Camera

    Daguerreotype Camera
    The Daguerreotype Camera by Louis Daguerre is one of the world’s most expensive cameras. (Scan corner)
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    A journey that many American colonist took if they wanted to go west. It was a hard journey over the Rocky mountains and many people died, but if you made it there then you would find lots of green hills and great farmland. (Movement test review)
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    An route that helped slaves escape the south and could live freely in the north. (Movement test study guide)
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Measures passed by Congress in 1820 to admit Missouri into the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state while also setting a line at latitude 36° 30' (Missouri's southern border) north of which all Louisiana Purchase territory would be free (History Alive)
  • Images on Paper

    Images on Paper
    The development of images on paper was made possible by the invention of the camera by Alexander. The earliest photography shop, daguerran parlour was opened in New York by Mr. Wolcott. (scan corner)
  • The panoramic camera

    The panoramic camera
    A technique of photography, using specialized equipment or software, that captures images with horizontally elongated fields of view. (Scan Corner) (Wikipedia)
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    Civil War strategy devised by President Abraham Lincoln and General Winfield Scott by which Union forces would establish a naval blockade of southern ports and take control of the Mississippi River in order to squeeze in on the South from the east and west and defeat it
  • Freedmen’s Bureau

    Freedmen’s Bureau
    The Freedmen’s Bureau defended the freedom of former slaves in several ways. It helped freedmen find jobs, it resolved disputes between white Americans and freedmen and it set up its own courts to deal with some dispute. The bureau’s first duty was to provide emergency relief to people displaced by the war and even set up schools.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    A railroad that spans from east to west and it allowed Americans to transport goods and themselves from coast to coast. (internet of 19th century) (Movement test review)
  • The Kodak

    The Kodak
    George Eastman, a pioneer in photographic films usage, patented Kodak roll-film camera. In 1880, he opened the Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company. His first camera, the Kodak, was sold in 1888 and consisted of a box camera with 100 exposures
  • 35mm still camera

    35mm still camera
    Candid camera, the first 35mm still camera by Oskar Barnack
  • Zimmerman Tellgram

    Zimmerman Tellgram
    The Zimmerman telegram was a telegram that German general sent to the government of Mexico stating that if the U.S joins the war then Mexico and Germany should allie and Germany would help get Mexico some territories in the United States (History Alive)
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    United States Naval pier and port that was key for traveling ships and vessels to travel west.There was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, this led to the U.S. entering the war. (History Alive,
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    the ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990. The Eastern side believed in communism while the Western side believed in capitalism. (History Alive)
  • Polaroid Camera

    Polaroid Camera
    Edwin Land invented the Polaroid camera which could take a picture and print it in about one minute was invented by Edwin Land. (scancorner)
  • Interstate Highway Act

    Interstate Highway Act
    The law authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation (Movement test Review)
  • Underwater camera

    Underwater camera
    EG&G develops extreme depth underwater camera for U.S. Navy (Scan Corner)
  • DREAM Act

    DREAM Act
    acronym for 'Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors'; a law that could provide a path to citizenship through college, the military, or both if it passed