History Timeline

  • Revolutionary War

    The war included General George Washington and was between the British and the colonists so the colonists could have their own nation. The colonists fought to have separation from the British and to become their own country.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of independence was made to secure the rights for the citizens. It impacted the US citizens rights and independence.
  • Articles of Confederation

    It was a new plan to help the government set up laws and function the national government. It was unsuccessful because when laws were approved no one enforced them causing a fallout in the government.
  • US Constitution

    The US Constitution guaranteed basic rights for the citizens and was made to make sure each branch of government (legislative, executive, and judicial) do their jobs and have equal power. It helped make sure the citizens were treated equally, along with equal power for the government.
  • Bill of Rights

    The first ten amendments of the US Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights because the government wanted to make sure everyone had human rights that protected them from a bad government. It helped protect human rights and protected them from being overruled in a problem.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Purchase was a land deal between the French and the US, the French didn't want the Louisiana Purchase anymore so they sold it for fifteen million dollars. The US doubled after the purchase and gained more land to explore along with the ability to spread westward.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    It warned the Europeans not to interfere with the Western Hemisphere like colonizing and control over the territories. It gave the US dominant power and became important as a mutual foreign policy.
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    Mexican-American War

    The war was fought between the US and Mexico, over what is now known as California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. Mexico ended up losing about one-third of its land while the US gained the territory and expanded west even more.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Written in 1847 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, they wrote about the economy in Europe before the 1850's. It became more clear in the book that there were separated classes (Bourgeoise and Proletariat) and were trying to get them to unite as one.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    The SFC was the first women convention/movement, they fought for equal status, rights, along with the right to vote. The document presented at the time is known as the Declaration of Sentiments which protected the rights of the women
  • Bessemer Process

    The process made steel from iron, which was especially useful during the industrialization. The steel was used to make machines, and most importantly, buildings.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    African Americans could never become citizens and weren't allowed to sue in court. The decision angered many freed slaves that wanted to become a citizen.
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    Civil War

    Was fought between the Union and the Confederates because of slavery and government control. The Union won and afterwards both sides combined and created the Confederate States of America.
  • 13th Amendment

    Ratified to get rid of slavery in all states. Enforced and got rid of all slavery.
  • Black Codes

    It restricted the African Americans freedom controlling them even though they were free, while paying them low wages. The Black Codes still did not give the amount of freedom they deserved because they were controlled, not free
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    Reconstruction Act

    The people were trying to rebuild their country, all under one president, they had many differences but solved them. The reconstruction had the Confederacy gone for good.
  • Military Reconstruction

    It divided the south into five military districts separating the military power. With each district, they also had to ratify the 13th amendment for the slaves.
  • "Seward's Folly"

    Alaska was bought from Russia to the US for $7 million dollars which was signed by the Secretary of state Seward. Many Americans thought that it was a mistake and that the land was useless.
  • 14th Amendement

    This granted citizenship to everyone born or naturalized in the US, along with the slaves. It impacted the economy and gave the slaves the welcoming of equality.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    A long railroad from the Midwest to the pacific was built for rapid growth of economy and easy transportation to/from the coast. It made it easier to travel and move items.
  • 15th Amendment

    This amendment gave men the right to vote no matter their race or color. It was said so then everyone had a vote in their political economy
  • Tweed Ring Scandal

    Boss Tweed led a group of corrupt politicians to defraud the city, in example there was a project that cost $13 million dollars but really costed $3 million dollars, the difference went to the tweed Ring. His career left Americans wondering about his behavior and way of thought.
  • Telephone

    Used for communicating quicker and better even with the length. It was more efficient and quick to talk to people farther away.
  • Jim Crow laws

    Jim Crow laws segregated the blacks from the whites, and put more rules into place to control the African Americans. It created segregation everywhere while controlling the African Americans actions.
  • Power of electricity

    Electricity is a form of energy that help people daily, it helpes us explore and learn more relevant needs. Its significant because of the impact it has on our daily lives without us realizing
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This restricted the immigration of the Chinese into the US to just students, teachers, merchants, government officials, and tourists. Those who favored native-born, were in support of this act because they were afraid that jobs would go to the Chinese, who accepted lower wages.
  • Haymarket Affair

    Three thousand people protested against police brutality in Chicago after strikers were injured or killed the day before. One striker threw a bomb at the police, killing seven officers and several workers. This event caused people to turn against the labor movement.
  • Dawes Act

    This act allowed the President to break the indian reservations up and give certain parts to each individual of the tribe. The land they got was majority desert which did not allow for agriculture and growth within
  • Hull House

    Friends, Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr, rented a run down mansion for many of the new European immigrants to live in, they hoped it would bring light into their lives. They set up day cares for the little ones and later on a coffee shop where adults met. It then helped the campaign for a better workplace and helped the economy see how little the immigrants had.
  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

    This act prohibited the creation of trusts interfered with free trade. Its main purpose was to prevent monopolies from forming, which would eliminate the possibility of giving too much power to one corporation.
  • Jacob Riis " How the Other Half Lives"

    Jacob Riis was a muckraker who documented the living conditions in New York City of the slums in the 1880s. He wrote how the conditions were to show a new perspective on their lives.
  • Homestead Strike

    Andrew Carnegie of the Carnegie Steel Company, was determined to break the union because the steelworkers won a three-year contract with him. Henry Clay Frick, stepped up the production, at which then the union refused to accept with the new conditions, Frick then began locking the workers out of the plant, which caused the Homestead Strike with many arrested. It then affected the economy because Carnegie then made the workers work longer with lower wages.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    The planters of Hawaii wanted to overthrow the Queen because of the raised taxes, they asked the US for protection and without presidential approval the marines went, the Queen was then annexed. The Americans strongly favored annexation when President Cleveland tried to get the Queens reign back
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy was sitting first class on a train when he realized that he did not receive the same things as the white people in first class. He then took it took it to court where the judges then said that he won't be separated anymore but, “separate but equal”. The black and whites then had equal treatment anywhere.
  • Spanish-American War

    The war started with the USS Maine sinking and Cuba trying to get the US involved and alliances with them. Spain declared war on the US on April 24, the US sent troops to the Philippines to fight. The Treaty of Paris ended it all together and Spain gave up some their territories and the US gave $20 million dollars.
  • "White Man's Burden"

    Written by Rudyard Kipling and was poem constructed to urge the US to take the burden of an empire like the European nations had. Kipling thought of it like the white people trying to help the "colored".
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    Boxer Rebellion

    The Rebellion was a secret organization that had physical exercises and killed foreigners along with Chinese Christians. The Americans subdued their growth and China payed more than $330 million dollars in reparations.
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    Philippine-American War

    The Filipinos did not want to be ruled under a power, they wanted to be their own country and it caused the war between Americans and Philippines. Americans ended up winning; with 20,000 Filipinos dead and 4390 died on the Us side.
  • Ida M. Tarbell " The History of the Standard Oil Company"

    She exposed the real truth of the Standard's, the book was suppose to be 3 parts but ended up being 19 parts. Tarbell showed a new way of "muckraking" and the impact caused the dismantling of the Standard Oil Company in 1911.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt believed in working patiently to achieve goals and to use force when needed. Japan and Russia were both resentful for the US and it did not leave Japan and Russia happy.
  • Creation of the Industrialization Workers of the World (IWW)

    The Industrial Workers of the World was found in Chicago, by members of the Western Federation of Miners and other groups opposed to what they saw as "class collaboration" by the American Federation of Labor (A.F.L.). They wanted to overthrow the wage system and control their own work lives, which was achieved after time.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    It prohibited the sale of misbranded livestock and ensured that livestock were slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions, and mandated that the U.S. Department of Agriculture inspect all animals eaten both before and after they were slaughtered and processed for humans to consume. It ensured that food processed was clean and would not cause more diseases around.
  • Upton Sinclair " The Jungle"

    Sinclair exposed how working in the meat-packing industry really was like. He wrote about how they were handled and cared for and the environment the meat was handled in. His book led to new safety laws regarding food and cleanliness.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    This act was passed to prevent manufacturing on misbranded or poisonous foods, drugs, medicines, liqueurs,etc. This was passed the same day as the Federal Meat Inspection Act, with the help of Sinclair.
  • Gentleman's Agreement

    Theodore Roosevelt and Japan had to calm the growing tension between the two countries over the immigration of Japanese workers. It was the nullified in 1924 and ended all migration of Asians into the US.
  • 16th Amendment

    Congress has the power to collect taxes on incomes from all Americans. The income tax would go towards the army, roads, bridges, law enforcement, etc.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    This is one of the deadliest disasters in US history, it killed over 145 people within eighteen minutes. The tragedy opened the eyes of many people about the dangerous sweatshop conditions of factories, and it led to the development of laws and regulations that protected the safety of workers.
  • Henry Fords Assembly Line

    He made the first moving assembly line and the first of everything that had to do with car parts. He advanced the world and helped us move forward and more efficiently.
  • 17th Amendment

    The Senators within each state would consist of two them, voted by the people of the states. This allowed the citizens to have more say in voting and who they want in the position.
  • Panama Canal

    The canal was built for efficient sea travel for boats and cargo instead of going around South America. This helped eliminate disease-carrying mosquitos and was more innovative.
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    World War 1

    The war started with Austria-Hungry and Serbia, but because of Germany's alliance with Austria-Hungry they soon joined the war. Over 38 million people died, majority being Russians and Germans.
  • Great Migration

    Over six million African-Americans were relocated to the North. This impacted the urban life in the United States. With the move, they built a new place in the public for themselves and created an urban black culture.
  • Selective Service Act

    An enlistment was required by law for men between 21-30 to help with the war. Almost 4.8 million africans served in the war and 2.8 million had been drafted.
  • Red Scare

    This was the deportation of immigrants with different political views by the federal government. The economy changed and many were deported.
  • Fourteen Points

    Wilson created these principles to keep peace in the world after World War 1. The US kept the land it had and grew with freedom of the waters for trade and cargo.
  • Espionage and Sedition Act

    The Espionage Act didn't allow interference with the military and that you can't support other nations during the war. The Sedition Act was an extension of the Espionage Act and made it a federal offense to be disloyal to the United States.
  • Schenck vs. US

    Schenck was charged for violation of the Espionage Act because he was attempting to mess up the recruitment for the drafts. The United States first amendment was not able to protect him under the attempting, so Schenck had gone to jail.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The treaty brought the world to an end and was written by the Allies, Germany was blamed and owed the US money which was not paid off till 2010. Germany lost 15% of their land and their military shrunk with major regulations.
  • Prohibition

    This was a national ban on alcoholic beverages in any form of receiving and delivering. The Americans still received alcohol, but it was illegal. The Prohibition increased crime within society.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    This was the rebirth of African American culture in the United States. Americans began to recognize African Americans and how big of an impact they made.
  • 19th Amendment

    Everyone can vote as long as they are a US citizen, sex doesn't apply which means that all women could vote. Women were more empowered and over 26 million women could vote in 1920.
  • Palmer Raids

    This was a series of raids ran by the US Department of Justice to arrest people they suspected as anarchists. Around 3,000-10,000 people were arrested in many cities and were deported from the US.
  • Emergency Quota

    This act limited the amount of immigrants allowed to enter the United States annually. The U.S. created this act so only a certain amount of immigrants were allowed to enter the country within each race.
  • Fordney-McCumber

    This was a raise in American tariffs which protected factories and farms; the United States ended up getting more goods from this. This tariff helped the growth of American industry for monopolies.
  • Scopes' Trial

    Scopes was a high school teacher who taught the Theory of Evolution to his students. This violated Tennessee state law. Scopes ended up being fined $100 but then turned into a technicality.
  • 18th Amendment

    The US banned the amount of alcohol in a beverage for manufacturing, sale, transportation. Crimes and illegal activities started to arise because of the bannings.