history timeline

By 119819
  • Nazi Germany invades Poland

    Nazi Germany invades Poland
    Germany's invasion of Poland was the spark that created world war 2. After it happened, France and the UK were lead to believe that they wanted power over the world.
  • German ‘Blitzkrieg’ on Holland, Belgium and France

    German ‘Blitzkrieg’ on Holland, Belgium and France
    The 'Blitzkrieg' was a technique used by the germans. They had even used it during the invasion of Poland.
  • Evacuation of Dunkirk

    Evacuation of Dunkirk
    The British forces and other allies were evacuated to the French seaport in Dunkirk. It happened from 27 May – 4 June.
  • Battle of Britain and the ‘Blitz’ of British cities

    Battle of Britain and the ‘Blitz’ of British cities
    Also called 'The Blitz', it was a German bombing campaign on the United Kingdom from June to September. The name came from the German word for lightning.
  • Operation Barbarossa begins

    Operation Barbarossa begins
    It was started in June 22 1941, and had been previously called operation fritz. The plan was for Germany to invade the Soviet Union.
  • The Allies take Tobruk

    The Allies take Tobruk
    It was needed to advance through to Alexandria and Suez. It began in late April and ended in early November.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour
    The aerial bombing was done on the 7th of December. The Japanese did it so the US would stay neutral in the war, but it backfired.
  • The fall of Singapore

    The fall of Singapore
    Despite what the name implies, the battle was actually between the UK and Japan in early 1942. The Japanese attacked due to it being a major military base for the UK in Asia.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    It was a naval battle solely between Japan and the US in June 1942.
    The US came out victorious in the end.
  • First news of Nazi atrocities against Jewish people reaches the Allies

    First news of Nazi atrocities against Jewish people reaches the Allies
    The word about Hitler's treatment of the Jews was out to the Allies in December. However, this was before the time of the holocaust.
  • German forces surrender at Stalingrad

    German forces surrender at Stalingrad
    During early February, Germany surrenders to Russia. This is because they had been defeated by the Soviet Union.
  • D-Day Landings

    D-Day Landings
    It was done during early June 1944 as part of Operation Overlord. It is considered to be the biggest seaborne invasion in history.
  • The United States drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The United States drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The US dropped 2 atomic bombs onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki in late august. They both were the first dropped atomic bombs in history.
  • Soviet liberation of Auschwitz

    Soviet liberation of Auschwitz
    The Soviet Union landed an attack on the nazi concentration camp Auschwitz in late January. More than a million people were killed.