History Timeline

  • Period: to

    Cold war era

  • HUAC

    The HUAC ( House Un-American Activities Comittie) were investigated possible subversive activities by fascits, Nazi's, or communist. After the war there were a lot of publicized hearings on communist activities in The United States HUAC investigators probed the goverment, armed forces, unions, education, science, newspapers (etc.)
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare was a fear that communist both outside and inside America were working to destroy American Life. It followed World War II. President Truman's Attorney George J. Howard McGrath expressed the fear communist influence. He warned that communist were EVERYWHERE. And each carries in himself a death in our society.
  • Creation Of the United Nations

    The United Nations was formed so hopefully it would succed where the league of nations didn't. 1945 Delegates from 50 nations, they all met in San Francisco to write a charter for the UN. New York was it's permanent home. However the five major World War II Allies - The United States, The Soviet Union, Britan, France, And China were signed permanet seats on the most powerful arm of the UN security council
  • The Yalta Confrence

    At the yalta confrence the big three (Roosevelt, Churchill, & Stalin) made a decicion that they all agreed on that Poland, Bulgaria, & Romania would hold Free elections. But later on Stalin reneged on this promise. But Roosevelt & Churchill could not press Stalin, because they were not in a good position.
  • Postdam Confrence

    During the postdam confrence the big three learned of the succesful test of the atomic bomb. During there confrence the big three decided to divide Germany into four zones of occupation: Soviet, American, British, & French. They agreed to new borders & free elections.
  • End Of World War 2

    W.W.2 was the mightiest struggle humankind has ever seen. It killed more people & cost more money, damaged more property, affected more people & caused more far-reaching chsnges in nearly every country than any other war in history. They couldn't calculate how many people have died. It estimated more than 5.5 million people.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine was to give 400 million in aid for Greece & Turkey. It was President Trumans idea to aid nations struggling aginst communist movement. And it set a new course for an american foreign policy. President Truman wanted to support free people who are pressures,
  • The Marshall Plan

    C.Marshall seen that people were struggling in recovery from W.W.II . Marshall had a plan he warned without economic health "there can be no political stability and no assured peace." The Marshall Plan did get approved over the next 4 years the United States gave about 13 Billiion in grants and loans to nations in Western Europe.
  • Formation of NATO

    NATO was formed to provide the military alliance to counter soviet exspansion. Twelve Western European & North American nations agreed to act together in the defense of Western Europe, and many members agreed that " an armed attack aginst one or more of them . . . . . shall be considered an attack aginst all of them. "
  • McCarthyism

    Joseph R.McCarthy makes an accusation that state Department employees were secretly communist. When he was challenged to give specific names McCarthy said he meant that there were “205 bad security risk” Over the next months, the numbers on his list changed. Even though McCarthy never gave out names of communist, his accusation grabbed the attention of the American Public
  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs case began when a scientest nsmed Klaus Fuchs was arrested for sending atomic secrets to the soviet union wich lead to the arrest Of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg in 1950. The case aginst them was based largely on the wd claimed that they were being persecuted for being Jewish and having un popular beliefts. They both were found guilty and sentenced to death. They were electucuted in 1953
  • Hollywood 10

    The Hollywood Ten were left-wing writers, directors, and producers who were being investigated, to uncover if they had been communist during the 1930's and 1940's. They refused to answer questions. The hearings turned into a war of attacks. People witnessed yelling, and pointing fingers. After hearings The Hollywood Ten were sent to prison.
  • The Korean War(Ended: July 27, 1953

    North Korea tries to make more states communist, so they invade South Korea. Troops remained in South Korea until 1949. Soon PresidentTruman did not want to repeat World War II. So he decides that The United States would aid South Korea. Douglas MacArthur (World War II Hero) had a plan to launch a surprise attack on South Korea. By Thanksgiving the Allied advance had reached Chinease Border at the Yula River. So China entersthe War. UN forces strike back and the war ends upback where it started.
  • Formantion of the Warsaw Pact

    It was formed because NATO was formed, and West Germany soon became apart of it. So the soviet Union & it's satellite states formed a rival military alliance. All the communist states of eastern Europe except Yugoslavia were members .
  • The beginning of the baby BOOM

    The babyboom started after troops came home from the World War 2. Every seven seconds an Anerican baby is born, the troops came home & ready to settle down, get married, and make babies. Between 1940 & 1955 the U.S population increased greatly, Growing 27 percent from about 130 to 165 million.