World war 2

History of WW II

  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the germans.
  • Japnanese Attack

    Japnanese Attack
    Japanese attack china.
  • Germans Take Over

    Germans Take Over
    The germans take over Austria.
  • Poland is Invaded

    Poland is Invaded
    Poland is invaded by German and Soviet troops.
  • Roosevelt is Re-Elected

    Roosevelt is Re-Elected
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected as president of the United States of Americafor a third term.
  • Japanese Bombing

    Japanese Bombing
    Japanese Planes bomb the United
  • Japan Takes Over

    Japan Takes Over
    Japan takes over the Phillippines.
  • General Montgomery is victorious

    General Montgomery is victorious
    General Montgomery leads allies to a victory over the axis troops in North Africa.
  • Invasion Forces Sent

    Invasion Forces Sent
    The allies send invasion forces to Normady,Fronce.
  • Axis Troops Surrender

    Axis Troops Surrender
    Germany surrenders.
  • Axis Troops Surrender

    Axis Troops Surrender
    Japan surrenders.