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History of Universal Healh Care in Canada

  • Saskatchewan CCF Established

    Saskatchewan CCF Established
    The Honourable Tommy Douglas belonged to this party and was the first Premier of it. This party being the only and first socialist government in North America, introduced universal health care to Saskatchewan.
  • The HIDS Act

    The HIDS Act
    Being the first universal healthcare sevice in North America, the Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act benefited those people who needed medical assistance but couldn't afford it by giving them Government funded insurance.
  • Tommy Douglas Enacted Saskatchewan Health Care

    Tommy Douglas Enacted Saskatchewan Health Care
    The Honourable Tommy Douglas got Saskatchewan health care and that was a big step to his ultimate goal of free universal health care.
  • Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike

    Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike
    From the 1st to the 23rd of July,1962. medical doctors went on strike against the newly enacted legislation. The strike ended with the rescint of the legislation or universal health care.
  • Canada Health Act

    Canada Health Act
    The Canada Health Act specifies the rules of the provincial and terretorial health insurance programs in order to recieve payment from the Canada Health Transfer. Legislated in 1984 by the Parliament of Canada. The introduction back in 1944 by Tommy Douglas definetly made this a possibility. Sir Lester B. Pearson passed this act in April that year.