History of the Scanner

  • First Fax Machine Recorded

    First Fax Machine Recorded
    In early 1843, scottish Inventor Alexander Bain created a patent for a machine copy text and images using pendelums. It was a poor design, however.
  • Period: to

    History of the Scanner

  • Punched Paper Tape Introduced

    Punched Paper Tape Introduced
    Punched Paper Tape, or "Ticker Tape", was introduced as a means of improving the speed of the fax mahine
  • The Pantelegraph Was Invented

    The pantelegraph was the first device for practical service. It used a regulated clock and pendelums for snychronization for the device. The paper was special because it was made of potassium ferricyanide, a paper that darkened as electric currents went through it.
  • Photoradiogram is Introduced

    The photoradigram is the first recorded use of sending a picture wirelessly. The picture sent was of Calvin Coolidge, sent from New York to London.
  • Drum Scanner Invented

    The drum scanner was the first printer/fax used with a computer. It was created mainly for the SEAC, or Standards Eastern Automatic Computer.
  • The LDX System Was Intoduced

    The LDX, or Long Distance Xerography, was the first means of transmitting copies between two locations using a microwave channel, coaxial channel, or special telephone lines. The system consisted of two parts, the scanner and printer.
  • ITU G3 Fascimile Standard Developed

    The standard lead to a surge in fax technology, domestically and internationally. Fax was then known as true "universal" form of communication.
  • GammaLink introduced the GammaFax

    The GammaFax, although problematic, was the first fax based around the use with a computer. This brought computers into the large fax market.
  • Fax Technology Today

    Today, the use of fax machines are pretty low, but the idea behind the use is still present. For example, there are 3D-printers that scan an item, and in time, will have a 3D-printed copy of the item, liike vase or toy.