History of Radio

  • William Gilbert makes a suggestion

    William Gilbert makes a suggestion
    William Gilbert, born in England in 1544. He was a physician under Queen Elizabeth. During his life he performed many experiments on Magnetism while having comprehensive theorys on them. These assumptions led to having Gilbert beleive that Earth was a large magnet.
  • Edisons Discovery leads to rado waves theory

    Edisons Discovery leads to rado waves theory
    After the production of Edisons lightbulb, Heinrich Hertz manage to dicovers waves being made through electrical currency. His theory was electricity can travle through space in waves.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    Marconi read the theory on waves travleing through space, and began devoloping the radio. In efforts to communicate with someone else from a different area. He also worked on antennas for radio communication. He eventully succeded in communicating across the Atlantic ocean.
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    Born in Croatia, in 1856, but moved to the United states in 1884. He worked for Thomas Edison designing dynamos, and established his own laboratory in 1887. Tesla's work laid the foundations for large scale electric power generation and transmission. Tesla experimented with high frequency alternators and invented the 'Tesla Coil' as a means for even higher voltages.
  • John Ambrose Fleming

    John Ambrose Fleming
    Fleming was born in England, and studies electricity and mathmatics under James Clerk. He served multiple electric lighting companies as an advisor and engineer. he recalled his work for Edison in the early 1880's. He fashioned a lamp with a metal cylinder surrounding the filament, ran wires to the outside of the envelope - and started the industry of electronics with his electrical 'valve'
  • Lee Deforest

    Lee Deforest
    Deforest ivented the Triode. in wich contributes to electronics and radio. Though the patent office was flooded with over 300. Earlyer his years he installed wireless transmitting stations, and his company became one the most well known.
  • Armstrong Edwin

    Armstrong Edwin
    Born in New York city, and graduated from colombia university in 1913. He received his first patent for his regenerated receiver in 1914. His list of patents and inventions includes regeneration, the superheterodyne receiver, and wide-band FM. During the war Armstrong freely gave use of his patents to the military. From 1931 his efforts went into developing and promoting FM, and defending his inventions against suits by DeForest. In 1954 however, Armstrong comitted suicide.
  • Early Broadcasting events

    Early Broadcasting events
    Between 1920 and 1925, radio broadcasters were unregulated, the airwaves were a mess. Although most experimenters and pioneers used the longer waves, Marconi never did fully abandon his efforts to use the short-wave bands. Weston however builds a 100 watt radio station in a shack upon a nine story building. Shortly after many other companies started to build 100 watt stations.