History Of Phones

By 880749
  • String Telephone

    String Telephone
    People would talk into a cup like thing with a rope or wire in between the cups and the sound would travel from one end to the other.
  • Candlestick telephones

    Candlestick telephones
    For this phone you would talk into it and ask to be connected to the person you wanted to speak with.
  • Oil Can

    Oil Can
    People talk into the can and the sound is carried through the wire to the other end
  • Dial phone

    Dial phone
    You would spin the dial to put in the persons number and it would connect you to them
  • Cord key pad phone

    Cord key pad phone
    You punch in the number of the person you want to call and it connects them to you.
  • Brick cell phone

    Brick cell phone
    It can be carried around with you.
  • Flip phones

    Flip phones
    It was a smaller phone with a small key pad and you would flip up the top when you were going to use it and flip it back down when you were done with it.
  • Mobil phone with a toughscreen

    Mobil phone with a toughscreen
    It was invented in 1992 but was introduced to the United States in 2007. You can use the buttons on the phone or swipe around and tap it.
  • iPhone

    It is a hand held phone with a touchscreen. It is small and you can access the internet on it, play games and make calls and text.
  • iPhones now

    iPhones now
    Pretty much every year a new iPhone comes out. You can mostly do the same things on all of them but they have improved different features like the camera. The iPhone is also bigger but still a hand held phone. They also come in different colors and you can get different cases for them.