Cameraman vintage film movie camera side cartoon aloysius patrimonio

History of movies

  • A big idea

    A big idea
    In 1878 the businessman and race-horse owner leland standford was debating with his Friends about whether or nota ll four hoves of a horse were off the ground during a gallop
  • The experiment

    The experiment
    Leland the photographer deside take a many photos (12) of the horse in movement for know if the horse have the four hooves be on air.
  • Zoopraxiscope

    Edward Muybridgecwas also an inventor. he had come up with a machine called the zoopraxiscope. This marvelous inventios had a viewfinder that peeped into a lightbox.
  • Kinestocope

    The concept was also used by the American inventor Thomas Edison in 1889, and was subsequently developed by his employee William Kennedy Laurie Dickson between 1889 and 1895, and was used by the French inventor Louis Le Prince in 1892. Dickson and his team in the laboratory Edison also designed the kinetograph, an innovative film camera with intermittent motion film to photograph movies for internal experiments and, eventually, commercial presentations of kinetoscope.
  • First cinema

    First cinema
    A german named Ottomar Anschütz descovered how to project this image so that a group of people could all enjoy the same image together
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    The Lumiere brothers merged these two ideas to form the cinema of the time.