• 539 BCE

    The Cyrus Cylinder

    in 539 B.C.,the armies of cyrus the Great, the first king of ancient Persia, conquered the city of Babylon. but it was his next actions that marked a major advance for Man . he treed the slaves,declared that all people had other decrees were recorded on a baked-clay cylinder in the akkadian language with cuneiform scrpit
  • 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta, or "great charter", was signed by the King of England in 1215,and it was the most important possible early influence in the extensive historical process
  • Petition of Right

    the refusal of the parliament to finance the unpopular foreign policy of the king had prompted his government to demand forced loans and the sending of troops in the homes of the subjects as a measure of aconconomy
  • United States Declaration of Independence

    on that date the congress of the united states approved the decline of the independence. Thomas jefferson was the one who wrote the declaration as a formal explanation of why the congress voted on July 2 to declare the independence of britain
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man And of The Citizen

    the people of France brought the abolition of the absolute monarchy and set the stage for the establishment of the first French republic. only 6 weeks after the taking of the bastilla, and 3 weeks after the abolition of feudalism, the declaration of the rights of man and citizen arose
  • Thets Costitution of The United States of America (1787) And Bill of Rights (1791

    The right letter protects freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, freedom of assembly and freedom of petition. this written during the summer of 1787 in philadelphia, the constitution of the united states of america is the fundamental law of the federal system of government of the united states and the reference document of the western world
  • The United Nations

    World War II had broken out from 1939 to 1945, and when the end was approaching, the cities of Europe and Asia lay in arid ruins, as millions of people killed, millions more homeless and Russian forces approached. In April 1945, delegates from fifty countries met in San Francisco full of optimism and hope. The objective of the United Nations on international organization was to create an international organization to promote peace and prevent future wars.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human

    the new commission of human rights of the united nations captured the attention of the world. under the presidency of Eleanor Roosevelt-President, Franklin Roosevelt Widow, champion of human rights in her own right and delegate of the United States to the ONU