History of Gifted Education

By cswag
  • Terman adapted the Binet IQ test, creating the Stanford-Binet test

    Terman adapted the Binet IQ test, creating the Stanford-Binet test
    This was an important milestone, because it provided a way to identify gifted children with a standardized test.
  • Gagne publishes "Conditions of Learning"

    Gagne publishes "Conditions of Learning"
    Gagne's important work proposed learning must be tailored to individual students' needs and that gifts must be developed into talents. This describes differentiation for all learners.
  • The National Defense Education Act passes

    The National Defense Education Act passes
    This was the federal government's first large-scale effort regarding gifted education. It was an important event because it linked developing potential talent to national security, thus raising some level of concern for gifted education.
  • Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act is passed

    Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act is passed
    This event was important, because it provided funding for the National Research Center on Gifted and Talented and provided monies for identifying gifted students. The Act requires we strive to identify gifted students, especially those from underrepresented populations.
  • The report National Excellence: A Case For Developing America's Talent is issued

    The report National Excellence: A Case For Developing America's Talent is issued
    This event was important, because the emphasized our missed opportunities when gifted students are not identified and well-served. It helped fortify the idea that our gifted population could be a national resource.
  • National Association for Gifted Children issues national standards

    National Association for Gifted Children issues national standards
    This event was important, because it provided guidance for educators and administrators seeking to best serve their gifted populations. The standards are research-based and are a much-needed resource when serving this population.
  • John Templeton Foundation publishes A Nation Deceived

    John Templeton Foundation publishes A Nation Deceived
    This event was important because it strongly advocated for the necessity of acceleration of gifted students. This publication argued directly against stakeholders who said gifted students should not be accelerated, due to developmental concerns.