History of Filming

  • Start of Movies

    The start of personal movies began, instead of a whole audience being able to watch, as the makers of the movies thought that would bring in more money.
  • Short Films

    30-60 second short movies in movie theatres with a new projector that was invented.
  • Movie Projector - Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison invented the movie projector in 1896. Edison invented many things such as the automatic telegraph repeater and the stock market ticker. He has often been credited for inventing the fist light bulb by mistake although he did invent electric lighting.
  • Nickleodeon

    Nickleodeon films began which where short acts that you paied a nickle to see.
  • Movies becoming more of an Art

    Movies where shown in a museum type of setting and was practiced more of an art for some time.
  • First Narrative Film

    The First Narrative Film, Edwin Porter (employee of Thomas Eddison) was over the production of it, was the Great Train Robbery and was about 12 mins in length.
  • Major Attraction

    Movie Theaters were being updated as many more people came to see the progress of the movies. Movies became the big thing.
  • Hollywood

    Hollywood became the big place to be since it was a quick escape tool to hide against Thomas Eddison. Lots of the actors and actresses became stars there.
  • Big Movies

    Movie actors were making almost a million in a year and were becoming big.
  • Sound in the Movies

    Sound was able to be put into the movies.