
History of Film

  • How it started

    How it started
    Eadweard Muybridge bet $25,000 on a horse race to see if all 4 of horse’s hooves are off the ground at one point. Using 12 cameras, they took the pictures and they noticed how it looked like a flipbook once all the frames were put together. The flipbook became a model for movies being motion pictures.
  • Kinetoscope Parlors

    Kinetoscope Parlors
    Thomas Edison created kinetoscope peepholes. From these, people watched “movies” from behind a stand. While technically creating a projector, he only sold the peepholes to charge individuals while making more money for himself.
  • Cinematographe

    The Lumiere brothers, created a projector to show motion pictures to an entire audience. The complete opposite of what Edison wanted to do. From this, evovled vaudeville and nickelodeon.
  • The First Movie

    The First Movie
    The Great Train Robbery(1903) was the first movie ever. Directed by Edwin Porter, the film had 14 scenes and was 12 minutes long. Was considered to be an epic at the time.
  • Rise of Hollywood

    Rise of Hollywood
    Thomas Edison & the MPPC (Motion Picture Patents Co.) began to run a monopoly over all things film, (cameras, actors, etc.) In order to escape from this conrol, film makers began moving out west. Better weather, better scenery, and opportunity to hide from Edison, made Hollywood an important hot spot. The first movie ever filmed in Hollywood was "In Old California" (1910)
  • Movie Studios Develop

    Movie Studios Develop
    Many movie studios began developing around Hollywood. Particulary seen as the big names of this day and age. For example, Warner Brothers Pictures, Paramount, RKO, Metro Goldwin Meyer, and 20th Century Fox.
  • Golden Age

    Golden Age
    The 1930s were considered Hollywood's Golden Age. More genres came to light(action, musicals, documentaries, social statement films, comedies, westerns, and horror movies), the use of sound emerged. These dymanics provided in making better quality films.
  • World War II

    World War II
    Despite the short time filmmaking was tough, production began to pick up. New technological advances, showed in films decending from this era, in contrast to the last. The war, brought the nation together and in 1946, theatre attendance and profits were at an all-time high.
  • Post-War

    In the 1950's American families began to own television sets. The convenience of television caused a major decline in movie theater attendance, which resulted in many Hollywood studios losing money. To adapt, Hollywood began producing film for TV in order to make the money it was losing in movie theaters. This marked the entrance of Hollywood into the television industry.
  • End of Golden Age

    End of Golden Age
    Film began to decline more and more with Civil Rights movements and invention of TV. They tried to bring back appeal for films by pricing tickets at $1, unfortunately it was a misfire and caused a depression in the film industry. Because of financial struggles, national companies bought out many studios. The Golden Age of Hollywood was over.
  • Rebirth of Hollywood

    Rebirth of Hollywood
    Technology, featuring new and dazzling special effects, became Hollywood's escape from financial troubles. This era also brought VHS video players, laser disc players, and films on videocassette tapes and discs, which greatly increased profits for movie studios, but the at-home viewing method, further declined theatre attendance.
  • Contemporary film

    Contemporary film
    The new millennium brought rapid and remarkable advances in technology. The movie industry has already seen achievements and inventions in the 2000’s, such as the Blu-ray disc and IMAX theaters. Additionally, movies and TV shows can now be watched on phones, computers, and other personal devices with the streaming services such as Netflix.