Telephone for timeline

History of Communication-By Kris Pregler

  • 100

    Bound Books

    Bound Books
    The first bound books are starting to be made. (There was no specific date.)
  • Jan 22, 1000

    (3500-2900 BC) First Alphabets

    (3500-2900 BC) First Alphabets
    The Phoenicians develop an alphabet, the Sumerians develop cuneiform, and the Egyptians develop hieroglyphincs.
  • First Typewriter Patent

    First Typewriter Patent
    In 1714 England, Henry Mill received a patent to make a device that "would make writing indistinguishable from print."(There was no specific day provided.)
  • Morse Code Invented

    Morse Code Invented
    Samuel Morse paves the way for the telegram by inventing Morse Code.
  • First Telegraph Line

    First Telegraph Line
    Samuel Morse invents the first electric telegraph line.
  • Patent On Electric Telephone

    Patent On Electric Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell puts a patent on the first electric telephone.
  • First Radios

    First Radios
    The first radios with tuners are invented.
  • First Commerical Computer Sales

    First Commerical Computer Sales
    The first computers are being sold for public use, before they were used for the government.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The government releases control of the Internet and thus, the world wide web is born.