Cinema imagen

History of cinema

  • 360 BCE

    Shadow Theater

    Shadow Theater
    Lights and shadows were used for theater in ancient times. This technique was called "chinese shadows".
  • Photography

    William Henry Fox and Louis Daguerre invented photography and machines to take photos.
  • Kinetoscope

    Inventor Thomas Edison, together with William Dickson, a young laboratory assistant, introduced what they called the kinetoscope, a machine that would become the precursor of the motion picture projector.
  • Cinematograph

    The first official moment in the history of cinema, when the Lumiere brothers showed their invention, the cinematograph, at the Grand Cafe on Paris’ Boulevard de Capuchines.
  • The first movie

    The first movie
    George Melies showed in Paris the first ten-minute movie, The Dreyfus Trial (L'affaire Dreyfus, 1899) using the cinematograph
  • Life of an American Fireman

    Life of an American Fireman
    Edwin S. Porter, had the idea of separately editing a series of fire scenes and actions of firemen on the one hand, and on the other sequences of firemen taken by himself. The result was probably the first editing film in the history of cinema, "Life of an American Fireman".
  • Nickelodion´s

    Nickelodeon's were the first movie theaters. Their name comes from the words "Nickel" (the 5 cent coin in USA) and "Odeon" (A greek theater with roof).
  • The first movie with sound

    The first movie with sound
    The first sound film was made possible by synchronizing a record playing at the same time as the film. This movie was The Jazz Singer
  • Colorful movies

    Colorful movies
    Colorful movies: The primary colors were added to animations and flims, which gave great results. This new achivement was used by Disney in his animations. The first movie with colors was called On With The Show
  • Present

    Today's cinema is considered an art form. It uses photographic technology to create the sensation of movement.