• Stamp act

    Stamp act
    the law that taxed dcards, newspaper, and documents.
    It was a act where the colonists didnt have a choice and that made them furious.
  • ''the blood massacre'' or the formally known boston massacre

    ''the blood massacre'' or the formally known boston massacre
    where 5 people were killed by the ''red coats''.this made the hatred the british grow and the colonies rebelled more.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    where colonist dumped around 1 mil worth of tea into the boston harbor.they did not like the fact that the british imposed a law without their having a word in it
  • maryland commitee of correspondance

    maryland commitee of correspondance
    this was a very important thing in order for the continnental congress to happen.
  • continental congress

    continental congress
    a group of people that drafted the decloration of independance.
  • battle at lexington and concord

    battle at lexington and concord
    a battle where armed militia attacked the 700 british redcoats that were going to raid their caches.this was another loss that the british received.
  • Declare independance

    the colonies declare independance from the british.
  • battle of yorktown

    battle of yorktown
    very important fo the colonies in the war.the colonys drove the british to surrender with their defeat at yorktown
  • treaty of paris

    the colonies and the british sign a treaty
  • the us constitution

    the us constitution
    the piece of paper that was signed by a lot of very important people that gives our rights.