Historical film events Kayla Riley

  • Kinetoscope

    Thomas Edison and his team invented the Kinetoscope in 1891. This device played 20 to 30 second movie clips for individual viwers to watch.
  • Ist movie Projector

    The first projector was created in 1895 by a man named Louis Lumierel. He is credited with the first projector however there were more created a littel before and arond his time. His was the first used in movies.
  • 1st Movie theatre

    The Vitascope Hall was the 1st movie theatre. It was built in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theatre used a vitascope projector that was invented by Thomas Edison.
  • "The Birth of a Nation" Movie

    This was a very successful movie that gave the movie world even more of a boost. This movie also caused many more movie theatres all across the country to open up. This year is when movie theatres started to foucus on luxary aspects such as air conditioning and nice buildings.
  • Silent movies

    Silent movies were original what were created because no sound was available. However this style of movie was brought back later. Th silent movie gives a suspence and awe to the movie.
  • Movie decrease

    Movie attendence in the 1930's decreased by 40%. obvisouly increasing again later.
  • Movie theatres in the government

    In 1948 the topic of movie theatres were discussed in the government. They split up the man movie theatre control across the nation so other states could gain revenue from movies.
  • Home T.V set

    In 1955 30.7 million americans owned there own T.V. set. This was devestating to the movie business because people just watch the T.V. at home and didnt pay as much to go see the movies in a theatre.
  • Second-run movie theatre

    The 1970's introduced second-run theatres. This is where B-quality movies and reruns run for cheap so it is more affordable for the public. This became very popular for a short time.
  • Adult theatre

    The 1970's also introduced an adult theatre displaying porn. Suprisingly this theatre became very popular in the 70's.
  • Megaplex movie theatres

    The late 80's and early 90's experienced a boom in megaplex theatres. These theatres held a large croud and displayed multiple screens. They also used large speakers to display loud sound.
  • Films arnt great

    In 2014 movie theatre attendance in the US and Canada have decreaed 20%. Many have speculated that this is because the movies arnt catgching the attention of the public.