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Historical Events Related to Immigration issues frm U.S. and Arizona History

  • The Naturalization Act

    The Naturalization Act
    This act allowed white people to apply for citzenship to the United States if they were free people and not slaves.
  • The Naturalization Act

    The Naturalization Act
    The residence time was pushed to 5 years instead of 14 years. This meant that immigrants had to live and work in the United States for 5 years before applying to become a citizen.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    After the Mexican- American War ended, the United States got to push back the border line and claimed Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California, Nevada, and Utah.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The Homestead act allowed a person to have 160 acres of land to farm with, this was a good incentive for immigrants to move to the United States.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    During this revolution, Mexicans crossed the border into America in search for protection from the war happening in their country.
  • The Naturalization Act

    The Naturalization Act
    Mexican immigrants were allowed to apply for citizenship because the United States needed more laborers,
  • First United States Border Patrol

    First United States Border Patrol
    The first border patrol started along the mexico - american border to try and stop undocumented Chinese immigrants from crossing the border.
  • The Bureau of Immigration is established

    The Bureau of Immigration is established
    It was orginally founded in 1891 under the Immigration Act, but it was only one person in charge. Now there was a large group that was in charge of naturalization, asylum, and tracks those who cross the border illegally.
  • Alien Registration Act

    Alien Registration Act
    It required immigrants to give finger print cards and document where they worked and which politcal beliefs they had.
  • The Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act
    Race and other issues were no longer limitations. Now people could immigrate to the United States with out judgement and come live a better life in their new country.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    It was now illegal for an employer to hire undocumented immigrants. As a result, more border patrol was set in place to make sure no undocumented immigrants were crossing the border.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigration Responsibility

    Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigration Responsibility
    There were new vaccination requirements and anyone who was illegal in the country was sent back to their country and had to wait 3 to 10 years to come back as a citizen.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    A state law enforcement officer is allowed to ask for a citizens identification to prove they are documented immigrants.
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
    This program says that children who came to the United States before they were 16 and are undocumented, are allowed to go to school and have work visas and not be deported.
  • Senate approves Gang of Eight's Immigration Reform Bill Passes

    Senate approves Gang of Eight's Immigration Reform Bill Passes
    This Bill will allow a chance for undocumented immigrants to get a green card like every other immigrant, except that they have to follow a few extra procedures.