
Historical events in Guatemala

  • justo rufino barrios president

    justo rufino barrios president
    justo rufino barrios is elected preident of the Guatemalan republic
  • juan jose arevalo elected president

    juan jose arevalo elected president
    juan jose arevalo wins the elections by an incredible margin
  • Miguel Angel Asturias wins the nobel price

    Miguel Angel Asturias wins the nobel price
    in 1967 Miguel angel asturias wins the nobel price for literature his books have been an inspirations for many guatemalan authors and he is one of the most important authors ever.
  • aldo castañeda receives orden del questzal

    aldo castañeda receives orden del questzal
    dr. aldo castañeda receives la orden del quetzal because of his ardous labor and research for kids with heart failure
  • ricardo arjona reachs fame

    ricardo arjona reachs fame
    the author and singer Ricardo Arjona releases his first album titled dejame decir que te amo and reaches fame realising jesus verbo o sustantivo
  • Rigoberta Menchu wins nobel price

    Rigoberta Menchu wins nobel price
    Rigoberta Menchu recieves the nobel price for peace because of her work in defending the rights for indigenous people in Guatemala
  • Jaime viñals reachs the top of mount everest

    Jaime viñals reachs the top of mount everest
    in 2001 jaime viñals reachs the top of the highest mountain in the world the mount everest
  • carlo ruiz grat player

    carlo ruiz grat player
    carlos ruiz is the best football player ever in guatemalan history because of hitting more than 360 goals
  • carlos peña wins latin american idol

    carlos peña wins latin american idol
    the guatemalan singer wins the contest in the show of sony television latin american idol
  • Efrain recinos died

    Efrain recinos died
    the leyendary architect who disigned the teatro nacional died of gastrointestinal problems in a private hospital