Historical content

  • Freedom rides begin

    THey set up 'Congress of racial Equality' This began in buses and bus statoions colors were seperated.
  • Riots break out

    Riots break out on campus at university of Mississippi
  • James Meredith first black student

    He was the first to enroll in a school which is a big step in rights.
  • Martin luther speech

    Martin Luther meets with John F. Kennedy and after their meeting dr. king speaks his "I haver a Dream" speech
  • President asssination

    President john F. Kennedy was assassinated.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks speaks at the southern christian leadership conferrence.
  • Civil rughts workers murdered

    Three civil rights workers were abducted and murdered in Nashoba county Mississippi "Freedom summer murders"
  • Noble peace prize

    Martin Luther king was awarded the noble peace prize.
  • Jackson public schools

    U.S district judge Sidney Mize orders Jackson public schools to speed up desegregation.
  • Congress passes act

    Congress passes voting rights act of 1965.