

  • The arms race

    The arms race
    This is when the united states started to destory the two japanese cityies to show boat there power over others
  • The cold war

    The cold war
    The cold war lasted a few years and was about tension rising in powers and one not wanting to give up any power over the other.
  • The creation of nato

    The creation of nato
    The north atlantic treaty organzization, it was to create peace and help other countries without causing war
  • The korean war

    The korean war
    North korean had invaded south korea. Then the united states wanted to get involved and had coem to aide south korea
  • The marshall plan

    The marshall plan
    Also known as the european recovery program
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    It was veitnam against the united states which is still one of the biggest wars and bloodiest
  • The Space Race

    The Space Race
    It was the united states and The soviet union "racing" to see who would launch into space first
  • The launching of spudnik

    The launching of spudnik
    The soviet Union was the first to succesfully launch into space
  • The bay pigs invasion

    The bay pigs invasion
    A failed invasion of cuba by the military and is now famous in history
  • The cuban missle crisis

    The cuban missle crisis
    a confrontaion between The united states and The soviet Union. The two came very close to a nuclear war. This all was going down in cuban at the time,