Hertweck Famous Dead Guy

  • 101

    Thales of miletus

    600 BC declared all life came from (everything made of water)
  • 360


    thought everything was earth, fire, air, and water
  • 500


    thought everything was made of atoms
  • Isaac Newton

    thought atoms moved around and were small
  • Dalton

    Atomic Theory
  • Bequerel

    discovered radioactivity
  • JJ Thompson

    discovered electron
  • Ernest Ruthaford

    atoms containa nucleus made of protons surrounded by electrons
  • Robert Millikan

    determined the charge and mass of electron
  • Bohr

    everything was on pathes and couldnt be in between
  • Francis Aston

    discovered and studied isotopes
  • Schrodinger

    used math equiations to describe where electrons will probably be
  • James Chadwick

    discovered evidence of there being a neutron