Healthy people page


  • 20s

    Diet: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low/nonfat dairy products. Make sure to regulate portion sizes and eat equally from the food groups.
    Exercise: Exercise regularly (30 min a day) to maintain a healthy weight. Build bone by hiking, running, and strength training to prevent osteoporosis.
    Health care: Wear SPF 15+ everyday to prevent skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. Avoid indoor tanning salons, have good hygiene, and use medical specialists.
  • Period: to

    Healthy Living 20s-60s

  • 30s

    Diet: Eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy. Limit intake of fast foods and sodium.
    Exercise: 30-60 min on most days of the week- jogging, brisk walking, dancing, biking, tennis, etc. to boost metabolism and prevent osteoporosis.
    Health care: Do not smoke, wear sunscreen daily, drink alcohol in moderation, use drugs as directed, reduce stress, monitor your BMI to prevent diabetes, and prevent accidental injuries.
  • 40s

    Diet: Same as 30s. Eat healthy foods from all the food groups and consume nutrients.
    Exercise: 30 min of moderate physical activity every day can help manage stress.
    Health care: Risk for arthritis, back pain, and tendonitis increase at this age. This is an important time to prevent diabetes, heart disease, and cancers later in life. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, don't smoke, and wear your seat belt. Common issues for sexual and reproductive health are erectile dysfunction and STDs.
  • 50s

    Diet: Cut back on sodium and limit foods that are high in trans and saturated fats. Eat plenty of fiber and minerals and ask your doctor about taking nutritional supplements.
    Exercise: Get 30-60 min of physical activity on most days of the week, including aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and weight lifting.
    Health care: Do not smoke, get enough sleep, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy weight even through menopause (women). Health concerns increase with chronic pain.
  • 60s

    Diet: As muscle is replaced by fat, it's important to maintain a healthy weight. Eat fruits and veggies, fiber-rich grains, dairy products, and lean proteins.
    Exercise: Get 30 minutes of exercise a day by swimming, doing water aerobics, bowling, dancing, and walking.
    Health care: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this age range, so keep blood pressure, cholesterol level, and BMI in a healthy range. Men should get a colonoscopy every 10 years and women should get a mammogram yearly.