Health Care Effect Immigration

  • Access to Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants in the EU: Should We Be Concerned?

    ROMERO-ORTUÑO, ROMÁN. "Access to Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants in the EU: Should We Be Concerned?" European Journal of Health Law (2004): 245-72. Print. Health care needs of illegal immigrants are not being met, access to health care for this population should be and issue of utmost concern to both policy makers and public. Health care need to be uploaded as mandated by Human Rights Laws in order to grant illegal immigrants.
  • US health and immigration systems failing migrants.

    Devi, Sharmila. "US Health and Immigration Systems failing Migrants." The Lancet 373.9662 (2009): 448-49. Web. 12 Sept. 2014. The article discusses the failure of the U.S. health care and immigration systems to provide adequate care to immigrants, uninsured migrants and people detained for deportation. The U.S. health system is managed by individual states and does not provide reimbursement for universal care. They want the government will make the reform of health care to solve the problems.
  • Lessons From the Health-Care Wars

    Dreier, Peter. Lessons From the Health-Care Wars. 4th ed. Vol. 21. Washington: American Prospect, 2010. Print. They make strategic choices—mobilizing people, training leaders, picking issues, identifying politcal opportunities, conducting research, recruiting allies, utilizing the media, and negotiating with opponents—that help win real victories. Building a movement means changing the political climate so that victories become stepping-stones to further and broader victories.
  • Beyond health care reform: immigrantsand the future of medicine

    Searles, Christopher. "Beyond Health Care Reform: Immigrants and the Future of Medicine." Ethnic and Racial Studies 35.1 (2012): 135-49. Print. Searles discussed doctor's responsibilities and related them to complete medical system made by government. Focused on the relationship between doctor and patient, the difficulty of the poor to afford medical treatment. He wanted to extend medical services to neglected populations.
  • Health Care and the Illegal Immigrant

    Glen, Patrick. "HEALTH CARE AND THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT." Health Matrix. Vol. 23. Cleveland, OH: Case Western Reserve University School of Law., 2013. 197-236. Print. Ser. 1. Health coverage for illegal immigrants is not required under prevailing constitutional norms, extending coverage as a matter of policy would serve the broader interests of the United States. Extending coverage would be beneficial as a matter of economics and public health, generating spill over benefits for all US citizens
  • Undocumented Immigrants and Access to Health Care: Making a Case for Policy Reform

    Edward, Jean. "Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice." Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. SAGE, 06 May 2014. Web. 10 Sep. 2014. Edward argues that with the growth of population, undocumented immigrants do not have enough health care and most of them cannot afford the medical fee. He calls for comprehensive policy reform that expands access to healthcare for undocumented
    immigrants based on an analysis of immigrant health policies and their impact on health care and public health.