
Hatchet Melanie Williams

  • The Moose [1]

    Brian saw a moose on a cliff when he was flying in the plane across the Candain forest.
  • The Secret [2]

    The secret is about Brian's parents geting divorced & his mom seeing a blond headed man secretly behind brian's back!!! ;
  • The Bear [3]

    Brian was looking for some more berries when he saw a bear eating berries....afternoon a bear attached him.
  • The Wolf [4]

    Brian was laying on a rock & saw a wolf staring at him
  • The Crash [5]

    Brian was flying in the plane, the pilot had a heart attack and almost crashed the plane.
  • The porcupine [6]

    After Brian made his shelter he went to bed later that night a Porcupine came into his shelter & woke him up , he freaked out then stabed him with it's quilts.
  • The Fire [7]

    Brian felt unsecured he needed something ..he thought a fire. then he gathered wood to made a fire.
  • The Rescue [8]

    One after noon Brian was fixing his shelter -when a plane came flying by and landed by the lake the pilot came out & walked to
    Brian's shelter .
  • The Cutting [9]

    As soon as Brian got close to the plane he remebered the piloet. .Brian went down & saw the piloet still straped in the plane ....but it looked different :he noticed that the piloet all bones!
  • The Foolbird [10]

    One afternoon brian was hungry - so he had to make something to hunt with, so he thought a spear. He tried it out and messed up the first time but the sec. time he got a fullbird.
  • The first Feast [11]

    The first feast was when he got the fullbird.
  • The missed plane [12]

    Brian was in his shelter when he missed the plane, it flew by, and he ran out waving his hands for it to land but it didn't.