harry the dity dog-evan

  • exposition

    The main character in the story is Harry the dog. The other characters are the little boy and his father. The setting of the story is inside the house where Harry hears the bath running.Harry the dog hated baths and one day Harry hears a l;ittle something waiting for him a bath and Harry hates the baths. So you can only guess what happens next.
  • rising action

    Harry the dog was just laying in his doggy bed and he hears a bath with his name on it so he rushes for the bath and grabs the scrubbing brush and runs for the back door he runs outside and burries the scrubbing brush and runs away from home he plays and plays and gets dirty and more dirty.So Harry runs back home and a little boy comes out and sees Harry but doen't notice that the strange dog in the backyard is Harry.
  • climaxe

    Harrys family doesn't know who Harry is so Harry does what ever he can to convince his family that that's him.He does flips, he does everything he can do but still nothing works.
  • falling action

    Harry starts to walk away, but remembers he burried the scrubbing so he runs for the hole and digs it up and runs inthe house and hops in the bathtub.The kids start to wash Harry and then the boy yells out with a exited smile and the boy yells it's Harry it's Harry.
  • resolution

    Harry got so exited that he knew that his family that that dirty dog was him. So after Harrys bath he lays back down in his doggy bed unaware that he had the scrubbing brush right under his doggy bed.