Picture 5

Harry Houdini

  • Harry Houdini is born

    Harry Houdini is born
    Harry Houdini was born March 24 1874 to his mother Eda Weiss
  • Harry Houdini runs away (date approximate)

    Harry Houdini runs away (date approximate)
    Harry Houdini ran away at 12 years old and traveled all over the U.S.A working for money
  • started proffesional career at 17 years old.(date approximate)

    started proffesional career at 17 years old.(date approximate)
    Harry Houdini started his proffesional career at 17. It was only small shows.
  • Harry Houdini gets married (date approximate)

    Harry Houdini gets married (date approximate)
    Harry Houdini married Beatrice Wilhelmina in 1894
  • Harry the Invincible (date approximate)

    Harry the Invincible (date approximate)
    Harry always included handcuffs in his shows. He challenged audience members to bring handcuffs he couldn't get out of
  • Harry makes the headlines

    Harry makes the headlines
    click here for Houdini's tricks harry houdini was hung upside down and put in a water filled tank he escaped in 2 minutes
  • Houdini busts the pychics

    Houdini busts the pychics
    Houdini continualy busted psychics, exposing their fake ghosts
  • Harry the movie star (date approximate)

    Harry the movie star (date approximate)
    Harry Houdini starred in many silent films
  • Harry Houdini Dies

    Harry Houdini Dies
    Harry Houdini died from his pancreas bursting after taking a blow to the stomach
  • Talking to Harry in the afterlife

    Talking to Harry in the afterlife
    Bess tried to talk to Harry exactly one year after his death but they never contacted his ghost