Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich

  • Date and place of birth

    Date and place of birth
    Alexander Griboyedov was born on 4 January (15 N. S.), 1795 in Moscow in the family of an officer of the Russian guards, secured the well-born nobleman. In early childhood received a good home education and later studied at the Moscow University boarding school.
  • Studies and service

    From 1806 to 1812, the young student of Moscow University.
    In Moscow A. S. Griboedov finds the beginning of the Patriotic war, and entered the military service in Moscow hussar regiment.
  • Family

    Wife Griboyedov was a Georgian Princess Nina Chavchavadze, who has captured his heart ,they had a beautiful love
  • Первое произведение

    Первое произведение
    "Молодые супруги"комедия в одном действии, в стихах. А. Грибоедова.
  • "Woe from wit".

    "Woe from wit".
    В 1820 году в Тавризе Грибоедов начинает работу над комедией «Горе от ума». А.С. Грибоедов - автор около 30 произведений: стихов, статей, пьес, но в историю литературы он вошел только комедией «Горе от ума».
  • die

    On 30 January 1829 in Tehran, Griboyedov was killed by a fanatical mob of Muslims, defeated a Russian mission. Alexander Griboyedov was buried in the monastery of St. David in Tbilisi.