Great Depression and World War II

  • Period: to

    Great Depression and World War II

  • March on Rome - Political

    Italy's king puts Mussolini in charge of government. This as we know today would impact Italy, and the rest of Europe.
  • Great Depression Begins - Economic

    The Great Depression begins in America. This was a very hard time for America, and the country had a lot of economic problems.
  • Bank Collapse - Economic

    New York's Bank of the United States collapses in the largest bank failure to date in American history. $200 million in deposits disappear.
  • Hitler Named Chancellor - Political

    Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany. This was the beginning of Hitler's reign that would last until he commited suicide in Berlin.
  • Share Our Wealth Society - Social

    Huey Long founds the Share Our Wealth society, promotinh the seizure of the "excess fortunes" of the rich to redistribute to the poor.
  • Hitler Dies - Political

    When Hitler commited suicide, Berlin was being destroyed by the Soviets. Hitler realized that he would eventually lsoe so he took his own life.
  • Wagner National Labor Relations Act - Social

    FDR signs the Wagner National Labor Relations Act. The goal of the act is to validate union authority and supervise union elections.
  • Anti-CominternPact - Political

    Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, directed against the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement.
  • Rape of Nanjing - Military

    The rape of Nanjing took place during this time. It was one of the worst massacres in history. Approximately 300,000 people died.
  • Kristallnacht - Military

    Also known as 'Night of the broken glass". During the German Kristallnacht, 7500 Jewish businesses are looted, 191 synagogues are set afire, nearly 100 Jews are killed, and tens of thousands are sent to concentration camps.
  • Blitzkriek - Military

    Blitzkrieg or "lightning war" is used for the first time by the Germans against Poland. This was a tactic used by Germans to invade lands quickly and effectively.
  • Congress Lifts Aid Embaro - Political

    Congress grants FDR's request to revise neutrality laws, to repeal an arms embargo so that munitions could be sold to Britain and France, and to prevent American ships from sailing into war zones.
  • Lend-Lease Program - Political

    The lend-lease program is passed which allows the U.S. to aid foreign nations during the war by providing military equipment.
  • Pearl Harbor Attacked - Military

    Pearl Harbor is bombed by the Japanese. This attack on U,S. soil caused the Americans to go to war with the Japanese.
  • Turning Point - Military

    This was the considered to be the turning point of the war. In Stalingrad, the German troops were forced to surrender.
  • Italy Surrenders - Politicals

    The Italian government officially surrenders to the Allied powers. This showed how the Axis powers were weakening.
  • D-Day Invasion - Military

    D-Day invasion in Normandy, France. This was an attack on the Germans by the Normandy coast line. U.S. and British troops had attacked.
  • Truman Takes Over - Political

    FDR passes away, and is succeeded by Harry Truman. Truman helps with the end of WWII.
  • Atomic Bomb - Technological

    The atomic bomb is developed which changes warfare later on, and is one of the main causes to the end of World War II after it is dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Meeting in Tehran - Political

    A meeting took place in Tehran, Iran. They met to decide future of the war, agreed to a partition of postwar Germany until denazification could take place