
Governmental Racism History of the United States

  • Jan 1, 1525

    First Slaves Arrive in America

  • First Slaves Arrive in Jamestown

    initiates slavery used as labor in the American Colonies
  • Massachusetts Colony legalizes slavery

    Massachusetts colony legalizes slavery in state boundaries
  • All Blacks Musre be Slaves

  • Constitution and 3/5 Compromise

    Governmental body with a clause equating a black to 3/5ths of a white person
  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    Regulations on laws regarding gaining national citizenship including limited naturalization to aliens
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    allowed wartime arrest, imprisonment and deportation of any immigrant subject to an enemy power
  • Trail of Tears

    The forced removal of Indians on their land
  • People Vs. Hall

    Chinese immigrants can not testify againts white Americans
  • Dred Scott Case

    Ruled blacks are not citizens and cannot be represented in court
  • KKK

    During the election of 1868, they were responsible for nearly 2000 political assassinations in the former confederate states.
  • 14th Ammendment

    Defines a citizen as any person born in the United states or naturalized except Natve Americans
  • Period: to

    Jim Crow Laws

    Segregation Laws for blacks and whites in U.S. society. Less rights for blacks.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Ended Chinese immigration into the United States
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson (Seperate but Equal)

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Prevented Chinese Immigration into the United States
  • National Origins Act

    Limited the number of immigrants from any country to 2% of the total number of citizens from that country who were currently residing in the United States as of 1890.
  • Period: to

    Mexican Repatriation

    Forced migration of mexican americans back into Mexico
  • Period: to

    Japanese Internment Camps

    Harsh treatment and racism towards the Japenese in America due to circumstances of World War 2.
  • Operation Gatekeeper

    Further militarizing the borders
  • Black Law

    Stopped blacks from attending prvate schools outside of their residence
  • Compromise of 1850

    Popular sovereignty to Mexican cession lands, continued slavery in the South
  • Force Act

    Laws on preventing people to vote ue to race