
George Washington

By ihes60
  • Birth

    In 1732 George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virgina.
  • The British Navy

    The British Navy
    In 1746 George wanted to join the British Navy but his mother would never let him to it.
  • Smallpox

    In 1751 George contracted smallpox while visiting the Barbados.
  • World War

    George Washington started a world war.
  • Close Calls

    George had a lot of close calls in battle but never was seriosly wounded.
  • Luck Man

    Luck Man
    Washington was caught in a crossfire and 2 horses got shot under him and had 4 shots in his coat but did not get hurt.
  • Young Love

    Young Love
    Washington sent his "Votary to love" letter.
  • Winning the War

    George Washington lead the attack against the Britis to win the war.
  • Investment

    George Washington invested in a canal company that went around the Potomac great falls.
  • Constitution Convention

    George was elected the president of the constitution convention.
  • U.S. Navy

    U.S. Navy
    George Washington founded the U.S. navy.
  • President

    George Washington won the presidential election by winning 69 of the 103 electoral votes against John Adams.
  • Money

    His presidential salary was 2% of the total U.S. budget.
  • Death

    George Washington died on December 14, 1799 after a horseback ride in a snowstorm and how he died is still unknown today.