George w. Bush- Dana Pena

By hhims06
  • He’s from new heaven Connecticut. This country was found by English Puritan on 1638.

    Where George W. Bush is from
  • He was born on July 6, 1946 and he still alive.

  • Laura Lane Welch Bush was the first lady of George W, Bush

    First lady of George W. Bush.
  • He’s graduate of Yale university in 1963 and Harvard business school in 1975.

    He’s graduate of Yale university in 1963 and Harvard business school in 1975.
  • He was 54 when he took the president.

    He was 54 when he took the president on 2001.
  • He won the presidency after narrowly defeating democratic challenger Al Gore in 2001.

  • ). He served as president for two terms the first from 2001 to 2005 and the second one from 2005 to 2009.

  • He was 8 years in office, he started on 2001

  • Time he was in office

    He was 8 years in office 2001-2009
  • The monumental issue he had to deal with during his presindency was the terrorist attack.

    Monumental issue he had to deal with was the Terrorist Attack on 2001.
  • A triumph is that he is governor of Texas another one is that Bush undertook a number of educational priorities, such as increasing the funding for the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health in his first years of office

    ? A triumph is that he is governor of Texas another one is that Bush undertook a number of educational priorities, such as increasing the funding for the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health in his first years of office, and creating education programs to strengthen the grounding in science and mathematics for American high school students. Funding for the NIH was cut in 2006, the first such cut in 36 years, due to rising inflation.
  • ). He served as president for two terms the first from 2001 to 2005 and the second one from 2005 to 2009.

  • He lose his presidency