George Lucas

By mirkha2
  • Born asGeorge Walton Lucas , Jr . in Modesto, California to Dorothy Bomberger Lucas and George Walton Lucas , Sr.

  • Graduates University of Southern with a Bachelor of fine Arts

  • Lucasfilm Ltd. is founded by lucas .

    Lucasfilm Ltd. is founded by lucas .
  • Lucasfilm Ltd. and American Zoetrope release American Graffiti and it grosses $115,000,000 Lucas wrote and directed it with his wife marcia editing it .

    Lucasfilm Ltd. and American Zoetrope release American Graffiti and it grosses $115,000,000 Lucas wrote and directed it with his wife marcia editing it .
  • Conceives the basic story of star Wars. Divides it into two trilogies . chooses the second, the one that revolves around luke Skywalker , because it the most exciting of the two .

    Conceives the basic story of star Wars. Divides it into two trilogies . chooses the second, the one that revolves around luke Skywalker , because it the most exciting of the two .
  • ABC airs Ewokss: the Battle for Endor. lucas is the writer and executive producer . he wrote it so it revolved around a girl character for his daughter mary .

    ABC airs Ewokss: the Battle for Endor. lucas is the writer and executive producer . he wrote it so it revolved around a girl character for his daughter mary .
  • Dec. 3, 1986: Howaed the Duck is relesed . lucas , executive producer , disowns the movie shortly after.

    Dec. 3, 1986: Howaed the Duck is relesed . lucas , executive producer , disowns the movie shortly after.
  • Star Wars Episode the Phantom Menace is relesed with a budget $115,000,000. he is director , writer and executive producer

    Star Wars Episode the Phantom Menace is relesed with a budget $115,000,000. he is director , writer and executive producer
  • June 12, 1981: Raiders of the lost Ark, a movie he co-writes and co-produces , is released with a budget of twenty million

    June 12, 1981: Raiders of the lost Ark, a movie he co-writes and co-produces , is released with a budget of twenty million
  • May 1999: Lucasfilm signs a deal reportedly two billion with pepsico ( pepsi, pizza hut,KFC, taco Bell and frito Lay ) for first rights to any movie tie-ins to the prequel Trilogy.

    May 1999: Lucasfilm signs a deal reportedly two billion with pepsico ( pepsi, pizza hut,KFC, taco Bell and frito Lay ) for first rights to any movie tie-ins to the prequel Trilogy.