Jay gatz

Gatsby is born

  • Gatsby is born

    Gatsby is born
    James Gatz is born in Noth Dakota. He is who the book is based upon.
  • Nick is born

    Nick is born
    Nick Carraway was born in Minnesota, coming from a well situated family. He is the narrator of the novel.
  • F.Scott Fitzgerald is born

    F.Scott Fitzgerald is born
    Francis Scott Fitzgerald is born in St. Pual Minnesota. He is the author of "The Great Gatsby".
  • Spanish Americn war

    Spanish Americn war
    The Spanish and American war breaks out over Cuba. There was a conflict bewteen the Spanish and America but America took the victory.
  • Daisy was born

    Daisy was born
    Daisy Fay was born into a wealthy family in Louisville. Her home was based on a military ground and she become popular amongst the military men, which includes James (Jay) Gatz.
  • Zelda Fitzgerald is born

    Zelda Fitzgerald is born
    Zelda Sayre was born in Montgomery later becoming F. Scott Fitzgeralds wife. Before him, she was a American socialite and novelist.
  • Fitzgerald moves to New York

    Fitzgerald moves to New York
    Fitzgerald took the job to be a salesman in New York because of his failed furniture factory in St Paul.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    An American silent short western film produced and directed by Edwin S. Porter. Eventhough it was a western film, it was created in New Jersey.
  • Successful aircraft

    Successful aircraft
    The Wright brothers developed their first flying machine. They are the ones that made controlled flight possible.
  • Fitzgerald couple move

    Fitzgerald couple move
    Fitzgerald was an unsuccessful saleman in New York, which is why he decided to move back to St. Paul with his wife. In St. Paul, Fitzgerald attends the St. Paul Academy.
  • Fitzgerald first publication

    Fitzgerald first publication
    When Fitzgerald was 14 he wrote "The Mystery of the Raymond Mortage" which appears in print for the first time.
  • Mann Act

    Mann Act
    The white slave traffic act was passed. This law made it illegal to transport women for an "immortal purpose."
  • Fitzgerlad in Newman school

    Fitzgerlad in Newman school
    Newman school is a catholic prep school in New Jersey. Fitzgerald was encouraged by Sigourney Fay, from school, to make his writing a career. in 1913 Fitzgerald graduated.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The Titanic sunk in the morning of april 15th killing 1,500 people. The ship was going from southampton, UK to New York City when it cashed into a boulder causing the ship to sink.
  • The sixteenth amendment

    The sixteenth amendment
    Amendment XVI allowed taxes to be covered by the states or the U.S and not from direct individuals.
  • WW1

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assinated causing world war 1 to break out in Europe.
  • Lusitania sunk

    Lusitania sunk
    The Lusitania was a British ship sent to complete Noth Atlanic trade. On May 7th the ship was sunk by a German U-boat torpedoe killing 1,198 passengers.
  • First women in Congress

    First women in Congress
    Jeannette Pickering Rankin was elected to the United States Congress coming from Montana.
  • Fitzgerald in the Army

    Fitzgerald in the Army
    FItzgerald makes it into Princeton Universirty but almost fails out. Instead he decides to join the U.S. army as a second lieutenant. After, he bgan writing the novel The Romantic Egoist.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    World War 1 ends before Fitzgerald leaves the military. He was to have regret towards not going into combat.
  • Zelda refuses to marry

    Zelda refuses to marry
    Fitzgerald hopes to marry Zelda but gets turned down because she thought he was a failure due to his lack of fame and wealth. In contrast, he ended up getting an editor soon after that turned his novel "The Romantic Egoist" into "This side of Paradise."
  • Zelda decides to marry

    Zelda decides to marry
    After FItzgerals success from "The Side of Paradise" they get married in New York a week after the book was published,
  • Women got the right to vote

    Women got the right to vote
    The Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote. The amendment was part of the women sufferage movement.
  • The Travel to Europe

    The Travel to Europe
    The Fitzgerald couple take their first trip to Europe spening three months in England, France and Italy before returning to their apartment in New York.
  • Fitzgerld in Long Island

    Fitzgerld in Long Island
    The Fitzgeralds rent a house in Long Island where he produces several magazine articles and one unsuccessful play. Their place in Long Island was a strong influence towards Fitzgeral's novel.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Albert Bacon Fall the U.S secretary of state was convicted of making oil bribes and bidding the oil in Teapot Dome Wyoming. It was known as the "Greatest and most sensational scandal in the history of American politics."
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    This immigration law limited the amount of immigrants that could enter the U.S. This law was specified maily toward Southern and Eastern Europeans.
  • The Great Gatsby is published

    The Great Gatsby is published
    The Fitzgerald's have been traveling around Europe when the novel was published. They settled in Paris for a couple of weeks and Fitzgerald was the, "Successful American writer."
  • Radio and Broadcast Networks

    Radio and Broadcast Networks
    The radio become popular and NBC television network was launched. NBC (national broadcast company) was founded by the Radio corporation of America (RCA).
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    The Jazz Singer was is an American film produced by the Warner Bros. This film was the first motion picture that contained talking. Silent films were no more.
  • Stock Market crashes

    Stock Market crashes
    The U.S stock market crashes which causes the Great Depression. What was known as The Jazz Age became officially over.