Frida Kahlo

  • Frida Kahlo was born

    Frida Kahlo was born
    Frida Kahlo was born on July 6 1907 in Coyoacan Mexico.
  • Frida´s accident

    Frida´s accident
    On September 17 of 1925, Frida and her boyfriend Alejandro were returning to their homes on a bus. The bus had a collision and Frida got injured. Broken pelvis and damages on the spine were caused.
  • Frida´s wedding

    Frida´s wedding
    Frida got married to Diego Rivera, he was an artist. There was a big age difference. They met in 1922 while he was painting "La creacion" on La Escuela Nacional. Their wedding occurred on August 21, 1929.
  • Frida´s divorce

    Frida´s divorce
    After 10 years of marriage Frida and Diego Rivera divorce. They struggled a lot due to infidelity. This event gave both a lot of inspiration for future works.
  • Frida Kahlo New York Operation

    Frida Kahlo New York Operation
    In 1946, Frida went through a medical procedure in New York. Her health state was very bad, since then she had to use many drugs and painkillers.
  • Frida wins Prize

    Frida wins Prize
    In September of 1946, Frida won the National Prize of Arts and Science.
  • Frida´s death

    Frida´s death
    Frida died on July 13 of 1954. The cause was a pulmonary embolism. But it is thought it was a suicide.