Frederich Engels (1820-1895

  • Birth of Frederich Engels

    Born in Barmen, Germany as the eldest son of a wealthy textile manufacturer. Growing up he witnessed poverty of urban workers which unbeknownst, sparked a curious philosopher and political flame within young a Frederich Engels. Engels grew up in the environment of a family marked by moderately liberal political views, a steadfast loyalty to Prussia, and a pronounced Protestant faith. That background alone initiated his creativity to begin his work as a young author and activist, he knew his
  • Active Drop Out

    As a young adult Frederich dropped out of high school a year before graduation and took to poetry, reading from the book of systemic authors such as Bruno Bauer; who rejected liberalism for its inconsequent opposition to the existing order. Engels openly pursued the revolutionary goals that threatened the traditional values of the family. Began to publish his own work on politics and religion under the alias of Frederich Oswald in 1841.
  • Partners In Philosophy

    After a 10-day visit with Karl Marx, Frederich landed himself in a permanent socialist movement role alongside him. Later in Barmen, Engels published "Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England": The Condition of the Working Class in England. Prior to spending time in Paris catering to social engagements leading French socialists to agree to the couple’s beliefs, he took Marx on a tour around England. The pair used a major tool for influencing and engagement from the public at that time,
  • Communism/ Marxism

    Communism/ Marxism
    In attempt to convert German worker groups, Engels brought about the "Communist League" in London. As a common co-author of Karl Marx, Engels released Communist book, "Principles of Communism". This movement had plans to overthrow capitalist order by revolutionary means and establish a classless society in which all goods would be socially owned. Such a bold move caused him to move from country to country, escaping the consequences of being forced to stop representing his beliefs in
  • Period: to


    Although the efforts of Engels were endless and without a doubt impactful in politics, religion, and the workforce, his plans to overthrow capitalism did not triumph, even while working alongside Karl Marx. Eventually, he had to take into consideration the finances being put into the movement, doing so he became businessman at his family’s business and in turn being able to fund a comfortable lifestyle, ironically, he was content with his decision taking into account his stance on capitalism