Deluca 67

Fred Deluca

  • Fred DeLuca was born

    Fred DeLuca was born
    Born 1948 in New York City
  • Fred's early experience

    When he was 10 his family moved to Schenectady, New York, and there he further honed his entrepreneurial skills with a paper route that grew to more than 400 addresses.
  • Fred DuLuca meets Peter Buck

    At the age of 10 Fred moved to Amsterdam, New York where he and his family became friends with Peter Buck. Peter will eventually become partners in their company and provided the initial capitol for Subway.
  • Fred DeLuca opens first sandwich shop

    Fred DeLuca opens first sandwich shop
    DeLuca borrowed $1000 dollars from a friend to open his own sandwich shop. Up until that point he was working a low paying job trying to pay for college. The first name of his shop was Pete's Subway after the friend that lent him the money.
  • First subway shop opened

    First subway shop opened
    The first shop opened on August 28 that year in the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The first year of business was a learning experience in which they realized good location and marketing were two categories they were lacking in.
  • Fred DeLuca graduates from college

    After succeeding, DeLuca continued his dream to go to college and graduated from the University of Bridgeport.
  • DeLuca opens 100th shop

    DeLuca opens 100th shop
    In 1978, Subway’s 100th store opened
  • DeLuca opens 1000th shop

    In 1978, Subway’s 1000th store opened
  • DeLuca Relocates to FL

    Relocated Subway to Florida because of tax increases in CT.
  • Current Subway sales

    Current Subway sales
    As of October 2011, the company counts over 35,400 franchised locations in 98 countries and produces US $9.05 billion sales every year. In 2007, Forbes magazine named DeLuca number 242 of the 400 richest Americans with a net worth of $1.5 billion.