film timeline

  • how it all started

    they started producing a series of short films
  • begining

    they started making short films that were 30 to 60 seconds long. they showed one in the paris cafe.
  • how it all started

    created the U.S narrative film, the great train robbery.
  • nickelodeon

    the film had 14 scenes and lasted 12 minutes. "the great train robbery"
  • how it all started

    nickelodeon theaters was attracting many people. 5 years later the number had doubled .
  • nickelodeon

    the films attracted the people that wanted to make big profits.
  • early days

    chaplin used his films for more than humour he wanted to convey the message of good and evil in society.
  • the early days

    by 1917they were making more than a million a year.