Historical Film Events

  • First Sucessful Photograph Of A Camera Image

    First Sucessful Photograph Of A Camera Image
    The first photograph of a camera image was made by Nicéphore Niépce. It was made with his own camera and a piece of paper coated with silver chloride, which darkened where it was exposed to light. The photograph wasn't permanent because Niépce didn't remove the remaining unaffected silver chloride. The image was eventually darkened by exposure to light necessary for viewing it.
  • The Calotype

    The Calotype
    The Calotype was a Developing Out Process made by Henry Fox Talbot. Talbot improved his photogenic drawing process by using a different salt called silver iodide and a developing agent called gallic acid to bring out an invisibility sight on the exposed paper. This process reduced the exposure time in the camera to a minute or two for subjects in bright sunlight.
  • First Successful Camera For Continuous Recording

    First Successful Camera For Continuous Recording
    Francis Ronalds made the first successful camera to make continuous recordings of a scientific instrument 24 hours per day. He made electrographs to observe atmospheric electricity to monitor the weather. He also observed barographs and thermo-hygrographs.
  • Combination Printing

    Combination Printing
    The photographic technique of using the negatives of two or more images with one another to create a single image. Hippolyte Bayard, a French photographer, was the first to suggest combining two separate negatives. One of the subject matter and one of a properly exposed negative of clouds, to create a balanced photograph.
  • The First Demonstration Of Color

    The First Demonstration Of Color
    James Clerk Maxwell presents a projected additive color image of a multicolored ribbon. It uses three separate black and white photographs taken and projected through red, green, and blue color filters. The projected image is temporary but the set of three color separations is the first durable color photograph.
  • Dye Sensitization

    Dye Sensitization
    Hermann Vogel discovered Dye Sensitization, a pivotal contribution to the progress of photography. The photographic emulsions in use at that time were sensitive to blue, violet, and ultraviolet light, but only slightly sensitive to green and practically insensitive to the rest of the spectrum. He then tried adding small amounts of various aniline dyes which added sensitivity to various parts of the spectrum; He was able to add sensitivity to green, yellow, orange and red.
  • First Ever Motion Picture On Film

    First Ever Motion Picture On Film
    Louis Le Prince makes the Roundhay Garden Scene. He worked with the mechanic James Longley on many projectors with one, three, and sixteen lenses. The three lens version turned out to be the most successful version
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    The Edison Corporation produced the first western, and established the use of shots and editing in film. This also marks the growing popularity of story films, over daily life scenes or news. At twelve minutes long, The Great Train Robbery film is considered a milestone in film making,
  • Edison's Kinetophone

    Edison's Kinetophone
    Edison was able to synchronize projecting kinetoscopes with kinetophone phonographs. The kinetophone played huge concert cylinder records. This setup would have been used in a theater, though Edison also marketed it for home use.
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    The Jazz Singer is the is the first feature-length motion picture with not only a synchronized recorded music score but also lip synchronous singing and speech in several isolated sequences. Its release heralded the commercial ascendance of sound films and ended the silent film era. The film starred Vaudeville sensation Al Jolson.
  • Technicolor

    Audiences could now see films in technicolor. It was the second major color process, after Britain's Kinemacolor, and the most widely used color process in Hollywood. Technicolor became known and celebrated for its highly saturated color, and was initially most commonly used for filming musicals.
  • First 3-D film

    First 3-D film
    The first 3-D film was finally achieved.Two groundbreaking features are released in 3-D Columbia's 'Man in the Dark' and 'Warner Bros'. House of Wax, the first 3-D feature with stereophonic sound.