
film history

  • first motion picture camera

    first motion picture camera
    William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, commissioned by Thomas Alva Edison, builds the first motion-picture camera and names it the Kinetograph. It started by a bet in a horse race. That in one point when the horse is running, it has four of his legs off the ground so they bet. Well they guy won the bet, but when they looked at the picture it looked like it was running.
  • drawing movie

    drawing movie
    first drawing movie. it was made by J. Stuart Blackton's
  • Gertie the Dinosaur

    Gertie the Dinosaur
    is widely considered the first animated short to feature a distinguishable character, as animator Winsor McCay brings a walking, dancing dinosaur to life.
  • Felix the Cat

    Felix the Cat
    makes his debut and becomes the first famous animated cartoon character.
  • cars

    a famous cartoon movie