Film events

  • Photographic Revolver

    Photographic Revolver
    One of the
    First revealance of photography, by french astronomer, Pierre Janssen.
  • Praxinoscope

    French inventor who made an improvement of the zoetrope and renamed it Praxinoscope. It used a strip of pictures placed around the inner surface of a spinning cylinder. The praxinoscope improved on the zoetrope by replacing its narrow viewing slits with an inner circle of mirrors.
  • Kodak Black

    Kodak Black
    George Eastman invents an emulsion-coating machine which enables the mass-production of photographic dry plates.Perfected the Kodak black camera.
  • Film

    American inventor George Eastman introduces film made on a paper base instead of glass, wound in a roll, eliminating the need for glass plates.
  • Public showings

    Public showings
    The first public showings of films took place in the 1890s. The first theater was built in Philadelphia in 1899. Film companies began building film studios around 1900.
  • Train robbery

    Train robbery
    In 1903, the Edison Corporation produced the first western, and established the use of shots and editing in film. This also marks the growing popularity of story films, over daily life scenes or news.
  • Theatre

    The first movie theater opens in Pittsburgh.
  • Humorous phases and funny faces

    Humorous phases and funny faces
    The first animated cartoon is produced.
  • Kinetephone

    Edison invented the Kinetophone, making talkies an option. They would not become popular for more than 20 years, however.
  • Warner Bros.

    Warner Bros.
    Warner Bros. is established
  • Alice in Wonderland

    Alice in Wonderland
    Walt Disney creates his first cartoon, "Alice's Wonderland."
  • Jazz singer

    Jazz singer
    The Jazz Singer is the first feature-length talkie. The film starred Vaudeville sensation Al Jolson.
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    Walt Disney's Steamboat Willie,
    First Animation with Synchronized Sound.
  • Drive-in

    The first drive-in movie theatre opens in New Jersey, USA.
  • Technicolor

    With the release of Becky Sharp, audiences could now see films in technicolor. Two-color film technology had been available, but rarely used since 1922
  • Wide screen

    Wide screen
    With the invention of television, film needed to up its game. New widescreen processes to produce bigger and more exciting films were the answer.
  • 3D film

    3D film
    The first 3-D film, relying upon stereoscopic technology, achieved wide release in 1953. Earlier attempts had been made, but the 1950s saw the popularity of 3-d.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    Star Wars hits theaters—for the first time—and will go on to be the second highest-grossing film of all time.
  • X- Rating

    X- Rating
    The X rating is replaced by NC-17 (no children under 17).
  • DreamWorks

    Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen form the film studio DreamWorks.