
Feudal Japan - Julia Holliday

  • Jan 1, 1192

    Yoritomo becomes shogun

    Yoritomo becomes shogun
    In 1192 Minamoto Yoritomo became shogun. The shogun is one of the top leaders in the system. Although the emperor is above shogun, the shogun has the real power. Yoritomo was the first shogun, and this system continued. This system is called the shogunate system and was basically military power.
  • Jan 1, 1336

    European arrival in Japan

    European arrival in Japan
    The first Europeans to arrive in Japan were three Portuguese merchants from a shipwrecked Chinese ship that washed up on a small island 65 miles south of Kyushu. The Japanese called the Portuguese who landed in Japan “Southern Barbarians” because they arrived mainly in the south.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Portuese traders arrival in Japan

    Portuese traders arrival in Japan
    In 1543 the Portuguese arrived in Japan. Two of them were on a Chinese ship that landed at Tanegashima Island. They were extremely keen on trading with Japan, so they quickly returned. The portuguese brought tabacco, clocks and sweet potatoes to Japan. The Japanese called the Portuguese namban, which means southern barbarians because they sailed to Japan from the south.
  • Japan closes door to the West

    Japan closes door to the West
    In 1603 a military rule was made, and the rule was that no foreigners were able to enter Japan and the Japanese wanted to run their own country.
  • The beginning of the Heian period

    The beginning of the Heian period
    When the capital became Kyoto, certain noble families, such as the Fujiwara family, ruled on behalf of the emperor, and gained control of the government. This new period had changed the culture and brought beautiful new gardens and buildings to the country.